8. Explanation

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Liam staggers.

"What?" Him and Dakota say in union. I shrug, wiping my nose with the back of my hand. My hand is now smeared with blood but I don't care. Liam looks at Dakota for the first time but looks at me again.

"That girl is my sister, Brooklyn. She's... indescribable." I say with a frown. Liam shakes his head. "What happened?" He asks. Dakota explains to Liam, seeing that I'm out of breath.

They make their introductions as well. My nose ring is sticky with blood, which I find very gross. Why does Brooklyn have such a temper?

Josh appears. His shirt and hands are smeared with blood. His wraps his arm around me. Liam's turns to concerned to alarmed. Dakota notices and smiles smugly. I laugh at her face. "Are you alright?" Josh asks. I nod.

"Yeah. Just a bit bloody." I say. Liam glares at Josh. "I'm going to take Skylar to the health room. If you excuse me, Josh." Liam says.

Josh grips me tighter, making me bit my lips from smiling. "Why don't you take Dakota to her room? As a trainer I have to take care of my trainees." Josh says innocently. Liam looks even more attractive when he's mad. "Okay." He grumbles as he hauls Dakota away.

Josh looks at me. "What happened? Who was that? Are you okay?" I laugh gently. "Yes I'm fine thank you. That was my sister." I say. Josh's face turns angry.

"That was your sister? Why are you guys fighting like that?" He asks. I shrug. "She has a temper. I don't want to talk about it." I mumble. Josh gives me a sharp nod and we both start walking.

The health room is big. Not a hospital but it can pass as one. I go into a room and sit down on a padded table with that white paper on top. It crinkles under me.

Josh sits in one of the chairs in the corner of the patient room. It smells alcohol. A woman doctor comes in with some papers and doesn't even glance at me. "Please remove your clothes." She says.

My heart leaps in my throat as I sneek a glance at Josh. He looks at the floor, not meeting my eyes. I sigh. In this place they use that phrase too much. I strip off until I'm only in my bra and underwear.

The doctor looks at me, saying, "Please hand your clothes to your boyfriend." Josh looks up startled but his eyes freeze on me. He sucks in a breath as his gaze trails all over me.

I feel my face get red. Act normal, I think to myself. His eyes linger on my still red flower tattoo on my lower hip. Thankfully I'm not the type of girl to wear thongs.

I walk to Josh and hand him my clothes. His eyes dart everywhere but me. I want to laugh, knowing how nervous he is. Josh doesn't meet my eyes. But he still receives my clothes. I turn and walk back to the table.

"Lay down please." The doctor says. I do as I'm told. She examines my stitches. "You're lucky. They didn't open." She says as she looks at my face and examines me.

"Well, good news. Nothing is broken. But if you feel some pain then that means some of your face will be bruised. When did your nose stop bleeding?" The doctor asks. I think for a moment. "Like five minutes ago." I answer.

She nods. "Okay then. You're good to go. Be careful. Your legs are going to be heavily bruised though. Take care, have a nice day." She says as she leaves the room. I walk over to the sink and wash my face and hands.

I tell Josh to hand me my clothes, and he does. As I put them on I notice they're not wet anymore. "Let's go." I say, opening the door. He follows, without a word. What is wrong with me? Yesterday I wasn't like this. I would never change in front of a boy.

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