10. Josh

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As we enter the huge gym a hot gust of air welcomes us. I rolled up my leggings, knowing I was going to work out. Dakota lends me a hair tie and I tie it up in a ponytail.

Liam trails behind us, quiet. There's four rows of bleachers, covering the half of the gym. The other half is empty, just some basketballs and soccer balls.

Me and Dakota must be thinking the services thing because we both run to the empty half of the gym. Since I was in track I am faster, getting to the soccer ball first.

I suck at every sport but Dad use to make me go to soccer camps in the summer. I dribble over to the bleachers side of the gym and try to shoot a goal. Dakota tries to steal the ball away from me but I shove her away, laughing as I shoot a "goal".

"Goooooooooooall!" I yell, trying to sound like those Hispanic soccer reporters. Dakota laughs and runs over to get the ball. Liam shoves his hands in his pockets.

"Every man for themselves!" I exclaim, stealing the ball easily from Dakota and weaving around her. Liam runs towards me but I pretend like I'm going to go to the right but I go to the left. "You need to go to the hospital for that burn." Dakota teases Liam.

"Shut up. You got massive burned." Liam laughs. While they're talking I've already made two goals. Liam stops talking and tries again to steal the ball from me but again I dodge him easily. "I didn't know you play soccer." Liam says.

I grin, pleased with myself that I still remember all the tricks.

"I don't. I do track. But I use to go on summer camps." I say. Dakota lunges and I quickly push the ball backwards and start dribbling to the "goal".

Liam unexpectedly shoves me aside, sending me flying. "Dude! No pushing girls!" I exclaim. Liam rolls his eyes. "Please. That was so middle school." He says as he tries to dribble the ball to the goal.

Boys. Such blockheads. I recover and come up from behind and push the ball away from him with the tip of my foot. The ball goes tumbling away from him and I run to it. One thing my coach taught me, always have control over the ball. Don't let it go all over the place.

Liam looks shocked but recovers. Soon enough I notice Dakota and Liam are forming an alliance silently. But I shrug it off. Dakota gets the ball from me and passes it to Liam.

I restrain myself from yelling out, use your inside foot! I wait to see what Liam is going to do, creating pressure. He panics and passes to the left, there's nobody there.

I snatch the ball with my right foot and shoot for the goal. And I make it. "And the crowd goes wild!" I roar with amusement. I feel like a kid again, messing around and not taking anything seriously. But hey, sometimes it's good to act like one again, take a break from the cruel, hard world.

As I go and retrieve the ball from the bleachers I feel a hard smack against my back. I spin around and find Liam laughing. Dakota has a basketball in her hands. "Don't even think--"

She hurls the ball at me, grinning when it hits me square in the stomach. I land on the bleachers with a loud oof. They both start laughing. Strong thick vines spread out, grabbing the three balls. They both freeze.

"Aw no." Dakota mutters. Liam ditches Dakota and starts running while laughing his head off.

The vines are too fast for them and the balls smack their backs. Dakota stumbles and falls on one knee. Liam doesn't fall from the ball but from his own feet. I double over laughing until my insides hurt. The vines retrieve back.

I squeal as I start running away from them, who try and get the balls. I run behind the bleachers, trying my best to hide. Liam jumps into the crack between the wall and the bleachers.

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