21. Forgiveness

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I quickly comb my hair with my fingers as me and Dakota run to her apartment. "Thank you, so much for letting me leave my dress here." I say as we stop in front of her place.

She quickly opens the doors and runs over to her couch and places them carefully there. "Don't forget the shoes!" I say, running inside and tossing the bag of shoes on her couch as well. I got red pumps and she got the nice nude pumps. We agreed even if we did have dates we will dance together and hang out mostly together.

We exit her apartment and run down to the Gym building. We dodge people walking by, and I accidentally bump into someone. "Sorry!" I say as I continue to run. We get in the office that is right in front of the training room. The man behind the counter looks up, startled. "May I help you?" He asks, raising a eyebrow.

Dakota opens her mouth to answer but the doors behind us burst open. I spin around. "Granny! Pops!" I exclaim as I throw myself on them.

They chuckle and return the hug. They're still in the skydiving suits, but their helmets are off. "Skylar! We've missed you so much! How are you sweetie?" Granny says, breaking away from the hug.

I shrug, remembering everything that has happened. "It couldn't get better." I say, gushing. I hear Dakota snort behind me. Pops smiles, his helmet at his side. "Well, let's get this over with." He says, motioning us to the front desk. The man behind the desk looks at us boredly.

Brooklyn and Jake walk in next. Brooklyn's hair is everywhere but other than that, she looks complete. Jake has a wild look in his eyes and his suit is off, exposing a nice fitted tee with some jeans. "Hey, Skylar!" He exclaims, crushing me into a hug. I squeak in surprise, hugging him back.

Brooklyn gives me a deadly look but I smile at her, making her face go bright red. We break apart and I turn to Brooklyn, extending my arms. She backs away, giving me a nasty look. I shrug. "Your loss." I mutter under my breath.

Dakota hugs my grandparents. "Are you moving here?" I ask Jake. He nods happily. "Yeah, with Brooklyn." He says, trying to hold her hand but she scoffs and walks away. Jake's smile falters but he still looks happy.

"You're a mutant." He says, whispering in my ear. I wince, already getting use to the term, "beastie". "Um, yeah. I'm guessing they told you, huh?" I reply. Jake nods. "I just think that's awesome! I mean, I wish I had super powers to save the world." Jake says, sounding like a little kid. Dakota walks up next to me. "It's not like that, kid." She says.

Jake's eyes get huge. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I don't mean to offend you." He says. Dakota shrugs. "It's alright." She says. "Do you guys want a tour?" I ask both Jake and Brooklyn. Granny nods. "Yes, do take them. Both. We will fill out the paper work and text you when we're done." Granny says, shooing us out the door.

Dakota grins. "Dude, your grandma is so cool. She'll text you?" She exclaims. I laugh. "Yeah, she's trying to keep up with us." I say, looking over at Granny who is talking with the man behind the counter.

"Shall we go?" Dakota says, nodding to the doors. Jake leaves first, followed by Brooklyn, the Dakota, then me. Dakota instructs Brooklyn where to put her skydiving suit and helmet. After she's done we head down the training room. We walk into the training room. This time, people are fighting and doing what they did yesterday.

I try not to gap so I bite my lip. Jake gasps and turns around in a full circle, admiring everything. "Tell me that's not how I looked like yesterday." I mutter to Dakota.

She laughs and nods. "Well..." She trails off. I smack in the arm. "Welcome to the training room." Dakota says, walking in front of Jake and Brooklyn, using her motto tone voice.

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