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It takes a series of staircases to get down to the "hybrid" floor. My feet slap the cold floor, making a chill run down my spine. What's the point in putting on a shoe when you're missing the other one? I left my other shoe in the bathroom for the next girl who walks in there to discover it.

We stop in front of a door that says emergency in red. "Here we are." Liam says. My heart thumps with anticipation. Brooklyn might be here! I nod and Liam opens the door. The first thought that pops into my head is, am I dreaming?

It looks like a party. The lighting is blue and people are dancing with beers in their hands or drinks. Liam shakes his head. "We have a party room. We have to get through this to get to the other places." He says. But the first person I see is Brooklyn. Dancing with a drink in her hand. And dancing with a guy who is not Jake.

My heart sinks at the sight of this. Jake is at home, worrying about her and trying to find her. But here she is, partying and dancing with some other guy. I storm in there. "Brooklyn!" I say. She looks up at me and smiles.

       "Hey! You found me! Meet my partner, Andre." She says as she points at the guy dancing with her. He has a buzz cut, and has nice, smooth dark skin.

"Yeah, whatever." I say as I push him away. Brooklyn is about to protest but I cut in. "We need to go home now. Jake is worried sick about you and probably Granny too. You know all the trouble I've gone to see you?" I say.

Brooklyn rolls her eyes. "Have fun, Skylar. I'm a hybrid. I'm going to Hawaii now." She says sluggishly. Oh my goodness, she's drunk. Liam pulls me away. "Wait until she's sober." He says. I whip my head to face him. "Why did she say Hawaii?" I ask Liam. He sighs.

       "There is Elysium. Our safe haven. Where Harold can't kill us. We all basically live there, this place is more like a headquarter." He says. Oh boy. More news. I nod. "Well we are not going there. Anyway, tell me about my mother." I say.

Liam smiles. "No, not yet. Eat first, you look hungry." He says. I gasp as my eyes meet something behind him, a long table with trays full with food. People go up to it and grab some food and return to some couches or tables.

       I push Liam away and run to the table, grabbing a plate and piling it with food. While I take a seat at a table Liam comes with two glass cups. "Here." He says, taking a sip. I smell it and almost drop it. "Ugh. What is this?" I ask. Liam laughs. "Vodka. Drink, we are going to celebrate your new self." I shake my head. "Nope, I don't drink. You better bring me something else." I say.

Liam rolls his eyes. "Fine, nerd." He grumbles as he stalks off. I keep eating. I don't care what he thinks, I intend to keep myself on a straight path. Shrimp, fruits, steak, and chips are left on my plate. This is delicious! Mmhm.

I glance over at Brooklyn, who is still dancing and laughing. She stumbles sometimes but other than that she seems fine. Liam is right, I should wait until she is sober to talk to her. Regardless of what she says we are going back home.

Pops and Granny must be so worried. Especially Jake. Liam returns with what seems to be lemonade. I nod him a thank you and take a sip. These people know how to cook but can't make drinks. The lemonade is all bitter and nasty. But I need something to wash down all the food.

"Tomorrow you are going to have your powers unleashed." Liam says. I cock my head. "What? I'm leaving today. With Brooklyn." I say, feeling a bit woozy. Liam shakes his head and smiles. "No you won't. Aren't you curious?" He asks. I bite my lip. Maybe.

I shrug. "I dunno." I mumble, feeling the room tip. I stumble to stand up. "Why is the world tilting?" I ask, my voice suddenly slurred. Liam winks as walks over to steady me.

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