29. Betrayed

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I roll my eyes playfully as Liam walks over to his apartment. "See you in a bit." He says, nodding to me before slipping inside. I smile at myself. Last night on my nightly jog I had found Liam. We talked and talked for hours. I finally notice what's wrong with me.


I don't like him the way I did before. Liam... he's some thing different. We agreed to meet at the same rock in the forest where we met the day before.

There is no school, therefore I have a whole day of doing nothing. We talked for hours until it was two in the morning. We took a small nap and went into our apartments.

Liam had suggested to go surfing and I guess that would be fun. Why not? I slip my key into my lock and push open the door, jumping as I see someone in my living room. "How'd you get in here?" I ask, placing my keys in the kitchen counter. Josh walks over to me. He shrugs.

"I have my ways. Where were you last night? I was worried sick. I was going to suggest we go to a date night after school but I didn't find you." He says.

"I got a job. As Gabriel's secretary." I answer, turning around to face him. Something strange glints in his eyes. "Oh, really? What happened?" He asks, moving over to my fridge and helping himself to an apple.

I lean against the counter, folding my arms. "Oh, nothing. Just minor problems with mutants. You should have seen-"

I stop myself in mid sentence. Josh's eyes narrow. I mentally curse at myself. They told me not to tell anyone. Dang it. "What?" Josh asks with a suspenseful look. I rip my eyes away from him.

"Nothing, nothing. I was just saying you should have seen the commotion." I lie. Josh frowns. "That's definitely not what you were going to say." He says.

I turn my back to him, trying to act casual. I reach for the cupboard overhead and flinch when Josh slams it shut. Just as I am about to turn around and ask what is his problem, I feel Josh's chest pressing against my back.

I tense. My hands curl to fists against the kitchen counter. My wings fall to my sides, having not much room to move around. I force myself to remain calm. I can't win a fight against Josh.

"Look, Josh, all I was—"

"I need you to tell me what you were going to say, Skylar." Josh whispers, his lips brushing against my left ear. My heart picks up the pace, and not in a good way. I feel a hand grip my arm and spin me around. I wince as my wings bump against the counter.

"Josh, call down." I say through gritted teeth. Josh smiles and I find nothing kind about it. "You need to trust me, like the boyfriend and girlfriend we are. I just wanna know." He says, his neck muscles straining.

I sigh, yanking my arm away from his tight grip. "Even if I did want to tell you, I can't. It's nothing personal. I made an oath not to tell anyone what I saw." I reply.

Josh's eyes darken. I try not back down from his stare. "I didn't want to have to do this but..." Josh says, trailing off. Before I get the chance to step away from him, he chokes me. I gasp, clawing the strong hand in my throat.

Automatically, flowers and vines begin to crawl out of my hands and on to his hand.

My eyes widen as fear pounds into me. My mind begins to make a bunch of scenarios where this could lead to. Maybe I should... no. I try to kick Josh in the legs but the air is almost gone in my lungs. I hear my rushing blood in my ears. I cough and claw harder and Josh's hand.

"You think I wanted to date you because of how pretty you are, Skylar Madison?" Josh asks with a sneer. My mouth opens like a fish without water.

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