6. Mutant

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I open my eyes and see scientists hovered all around me.

"Um, can you guys give me space?" I ask.

Nobody replies, working on my shoulder. I look at my shoulder and nearly scream. Right at the end of my collar bone is meat. Meat. And bones and... My shoulder is wide open. The scientists talk to each other, telling themselves to close it up before I start bleeding.

Wait a minute. I can't feel anything, not even a pinch when they start to stitch my up. I'm like one of those ghosts in those movies. I stand up and gasp. I can see myself. I have a tube thing connected to my mouth and nose. I breathe steadily, up and down. My eye lids are closed.

Dakota is right behind the group of scientists, trying to see. But I can see myself perfectly. "Hey!" I yell but nobody looks my way. Cool. Nobody knows I'm here. I can rob stores and nobody will know. Wait, no, that's bad. Never mind. I look down at myself.

They just finished stitching me up. I look so peaceful. Weird to see myself in other eyes. Well technically they're still my eyes but still. "Let's not remove the mask yet. Let her rest with it before we wake her up." Says one of the scientists, I'm not sure which one.

I jump as my body jerks toward the ceiling. My eyes are still closed... my back arches against the stretcher. "What is happening?" Michael says frantically. Then, my eyes shoot open. The air leaves my lungs.

My eyes are the darkest blue I have ever seen. I blink once and they change, into light green with slit pupils, like a cats. I blink and it changes again, into a fiery red color, with huge pupils. I blink once again and this time it changes in a yellow color, with a rectangular pupil, like a horse.

My eyes melt into a purple color, with a small pupil this time. I blink again, and they melt into this amazing color wheel. With all colors. Red, blue, green, orange, pink, and more. I suck in a breath and my back falls against the stretcher, making me go blank.


My eyes shoot open. I sit up straight, pulling the plastic mask off of me. I breathe hard, my heart beating rapidly. The scientists gasp and stagger backwards. The only one who isn't affected by me is Dakota, who is standing beside me, grinning.

I saw myself. I saw myself change into different eyes. Yup, I've gone crazy. But Michael steps forward. "This is amazing! You—"

"Changed into different types of eyes." I finish for him. Michael looks at me. I can't decide if he looks mortified or amazed. Michael nods. "How did you...?" He trails off. I shake my head. "I don't know how but I woke up. I could see myself and you guys." I say.

Michael grins. "Extraordinary." He says, all the other scientists nod and murmur to each other. I look at Dakota and she nods. "Here." She says as she hands me my shirt. I put it on quickly and swing my legs over the stretcher.

"Wait, nothing hurts?" Michael asks. I shake my head. "Nope." He gasps and runs to the table. All the other scientists follow him and start talking before I get the chance to say thanks.

Dakota grins. "How do you feel?" She asks. I shrug. "Normal." I say. She gives me a bored look. "Follow me." She orders and she starts to walk towards the door. I give Michael and the scientists one more glance before turning and walking towards Dakota.

"Where are we going?" I ask once we're out in the hallway. Dakota smiles. "You'll see." She says. We walk in silence the rest of the way. This place is like a maze.

Some doors lead to rooms and others don't. Every time we pass through a door with a glass slot I peer inside quickly. Every room is dark. Dakota notices me looking into the door. "Would you stop? You've been doing ever since we left the lab room." She says, pulling me away.

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