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    My eyes crack open, readjusting in the bright sunlight that hits me everywhere. I try to sit up but my head immediately starts to hurt, making me lay back down. My eyes wander around, trying to figure out where I am.

I look down at my arms, which have grass curling up on them. I feel something tickle my nose and I fight the urge to sneeze.

                I withdraw all the plants around me, making them sink back into the earth. I sit up, cringing at the slow pain trickling in my head. Thick trees surround me with vines and moss all around them.

The ground underneath me is moist and dark green. I quickly stand up, noticing the small bugs on the ground. My vision begins to blur and I shake my head, trying to get rid of any bugs there might be.

       I take a step forward and instantly loose my footing. I scream as I feel myself begin to fall when a hand clamps around my arm, yanking me back. I fall backwards on my butt. My eyes meet a pair of bright green eyes. "W-what am I doing here?" I ask, suddenly recognizing Brock.

He crouches in front of me, his hand still clamped around my arm. "You were about to fall off a cliff, I think I should earn a thank you." He says with a roll of his eyes.

                                 I yank my arm from his grasp, feeling a slight burn there. "Uh, thanks. Help me up." I command, holding my arms above my head. Brock sighs as he stands up, towering over me. He grabs both of my hands and with one little tug I was up on my feet. Mental note, don't mess with Brock, he's extremely strong.

                 I look over the cliff and see the beach below, sand and water. It's even more beautiful in the morning. The crystal blue water overlaps on the sand and goes back down. A slight breeze picks up, ruffling my hair.

We seem to be at the edge of the cliff, and down below might be the cave that leads to the Nukka institute. "Are we above the...?" I let my question trail off.

     Brock walks up beside me. "Yup." He says, popping the 'p'. I try to recall the last memory of last night. Everything comes crawling back, the humans, I mean the normal people.

The kid. The crowd. Me. I got hit on the head. Police. Bullets. Fear strucks down on me, I take a step back, just waiting for some police to magically appear.

             My back bumps against Brock's chest. "They're not here anymore. I scouted the whole perimeter earlier this morning." Brock says, not moving. I turn around to face him. "W-what happened yesterday?" I ask, in a small voice that makes me sound like a five year old. I hate it.

    Fear always makes me look like a frightened child. Like a deer caught in the headlights. I try to look brave, to seem brave. Why can't I be like everyone else? Brock shifts on his feet.

"After someone hit you, you went unconscious. I fought off the police officers. Then with that, all the humans got scared and scampered off." Brock says with a snicker.

                       So I'm not the only who calls normal people humans. "You... fought the... Police officers?" I ask. Brock nods as if it were nothing.

         "Yeah. I'm bulletproof." He says with pride. I lift an eyebrow. He nods. "I am. You think I have this green skin for nothing? Try punching me." Brock says, clasping his hands in front of him. He still wears the same clothes from yesterday, showing off his big biceps. I frown.
        "No, Brock." I say. He smiles. "I know you want to. C'mon. Just one little punch." He says. I roll my eyes and shrug. I pull back my hand and recall strength of a bear. I feel power surge through me, like my arm is filled with strength all of a sudden.

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