25. Past

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                  Tears threaten to spill as my unblinking eyes stay glued to the screen. Low murmurs erupt from all around me, as well as sniffles and rude remarks.

A group of people with posters fill a random street, screaming and yelling at no one in particular. Their posters send a stab to my heart. I never knew normal people felt like this before. Powers are wrong! Mutants are dangerous! Make them go away! The posters read.

   Another scene plays in the screen, showing a arrest of a young girl, screaming and begging for forgiveness. Her eyes glow an unusual white color and all the lights around flicker around her. Sparks fly from the nearest lamp post.

People protesting against mutants that stand nearby start yelling and cursing at the girl. She fights against the police officer behind her and he slams her on the ground, making her scream.

                      I flinch. Suddenly the lights flicker on and the video goes dark. I blink in the light, trying to refocus my vision.

"That was just a little preview about what we will be learning this quarter. Alright the bell with ring in a few moments so please, don't run to the door." Says Mrs Colton as she walks back to her desk. She is a tall slender woman, with blonde hair that is wrapped tightly into a weird hairdo.

           Everyone rustles as they get their backpacks ready for dismissal. I sit there in my chair, my thoughts overcoming my actions. I never knew that. People hated mutants. I didn't even know that people knew about us. People use to make protests against us.

They began to not let us in their stores, or in their jobs. I... I am so amazed at what normal people would do. Just a week ago I thought I was normal. Mutants began to have ID's, registering that they were different.

                                    The government made mutants have ID's and everything. It is sad. The bell rings, snapping to my senses. I grab my backpack and stand from my desk, turning to leave. "Miss Madison?" Calls Colton from behind, making me freeze.

     As the students file out of the classroom, Colton makes her way over to me, walking gracefully in her heels. "Yeah?" I ask, turning around to meet my new World Studies teacher.

   "I didn't get a chance to welcome you to our school. Do you like it here?" She asks, giving me a smile. I ruffle my wings behind me, trying not to squirm.

"Yes, I do. It's really nice." I answer quietly. Colton nods. "I'm glad. I'm sorry if this topic about our cold past is bothering you. Mutants need to know about what has happened throughout history and why they are here." She says.

             I grip my backpack harder. "This isn't our cold past, Mrs.Colton. This is about our cold present and future. These things are still happening. That's why we are shut out from the real world. We're hiding from the government and other horrible things." I say evenly.

Colton's brows shoot up to her hairline. She's acting as if I don't know anything about this world. I did my research in class, borrowing someone's phone.

                          "It appears you know more than you should, Miss Madison." Colton says, fidgeting with her fingers. I shake my head. "I know just enough." I say, turning around to leave, leaving Colton with her mouth dangling open.

I emerge into the maze of the underground hallways of my new high school. As the last class of the day, people are all filling the hallways.

     Not all of us are mutants, half of the students are the partners. There isn't as much students as I thought there would be. Colton explained some teenagers don't even know they're mutants.

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