32. Davison

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I take a deep breath, glancing over my shoulder. Shouts, screams, and even gun shots fill the air behind me. I summon all my strength and run out from my hiding place. I finally spot Jade, running among the huge crowd of people.

Her hard gaze stays focused in front of her. I follow her gaze. A man dressed in a suit stands atop of a tall hill. A small figure is running up toward him, way ahead of Jade. I curse at myself. I break out into a sprint, expanding my wings.

Some people fall over as they get slapped with my wings. I jump as high as I can go, instantly flapping my wings.

Someone tries to grab for my ankles but I kick him with my other foot. He goes tumbling down. I briefly close my eyes as I try to concentrate. In the ground beneath the running figure springs thick roots.

I assume the running figure is Josh. He falls over as the roots twist around his torso. From the up here I see his arms and legs flailing around.

Jade looks up, squinting against the sunlight. I give her a thumbs up. She nods as she doubles her speed. The man in the suit doesn't seem fazed by what just happened. A small crowd of people come running out of the forest shadows.

My shoulders droop. Jade runs up the hill, ready to fight them face on. I let myself drop, summoning my strength of a bear.

I land near Jade. She doesn't even acknowledge me. Someone comes running in with a sword and she drops into a crouch as she spins around with one foot extended.

The man trips, giving her the advantage. Jade rolls over as he tries to stab her. She hops back on her feet and slaps his face. He flinches back in pain and she makes a quick grab for his sword.

Jade buries his own blade into his stomach. Down he goes. I flinch as the grass gets tainted with dark liquid. More people come running toward us.

A woman in a leather suit flings her dagger at me. I arch my back in a backwards C, seeing the dagger fly past me. I grab her collar and spin, causing her feet to lift off the ground. She shrieks as I let go.

She goes flying off to the air. Three more men run to me. The one in the middle skids to a stop, his lips twitching into a small smile. His cold crystal blue eyes meet mine. His lean figure looks good with his leather suit. His midnight black hair is sleeked back. His slender fingers twitch with anticipation.

"Go back, Skylar Madison. Before you regret it." He says with a fairly deep voice in a British accent.

I take a step forward. "In your dreams." I snarl. He shrugs. He raises his arms, his fingers slowly curling into fists. The two men beside him attack, weapons raised. They disappear, melting within the scenery around me.

My eyes widen as confusion grows in my mind. My eyes snap down to the grass. No wind is blowing my way, meaning the grass blades moving around are of the men.

I sidestep them, swinging my fist to my left with all my power strength. I hear a grunt of pain. The illusion shatters, showing a man laying on the ground. The other one quickly recovers and lunges at me. I duck and grab his wrist and tighten my fingers around his wrist.

He cries out as the sword falls out of his hand. My lips curl into a growl as I feel my nails digging into his skin. My body thrums with adrenaline. He falls to his knees, his other hand trying to make a grab for me. I grab his hair with my other hand and yank down his head just as my knees goes up.

A sickening crack fills the air. I shove him back, leaving his face bloody. He falls backwards, screaming as he tumbled down the hill. The teenager boy lifts a brow. "I didn't think you would have it in you to kill someone." He says in that annoying British accent. I walk slowly up to him.

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