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The conqueror of the Arabian peninsula. At the age of twenty nine he was the king of the whole Sayyid dynasty . The kingdom started from the present day Saudi Arabia stretched to Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Bacteria region to Baluchistan and Punjab.

His deep pitch black eyes looked serene, calm yet dangerous. His face was the most beautiful across the kingdoms. His aura dominating and commanded respect.

His father the former king of the empire baadshah Ibrahim Hameed Muhammad could not be more proud of him. He had ruled for 49 years and now wanted a peaceful life with his wife begum Hazral Hameed Muhammad.

Their eldest daughter princess Kareem was married to baadshah hamza Sheikh of the neighbouring empire.

Everything was going smoothly until baadshah Ibrahim noticed his son's obsession with the young princess of Hindustan. He was not surprised, being well aware of his son's intentions since the first time he visited the suryavanshi empire with his dear friend Aryan. But he was worried for what his son will do now when the king rejected their peaceful marriage proposal for the third time.

His unmarried sister shehzadi rasul was not pleased with the idea of her nephew wanting to get married to a girl who did not belong to their culture. It was against her belief. But no one could stop Ashar when he wanted something, he would make sure he would get it by hook or by crook.

"फौज को त्यार करिए अरहम और भेज दीजिए हमारे आने का पैगम हिंदुस्तान के राजा साहब को। अब हम उनकी बेटी को अपनी बेगम बना कर ही लौटेंगे। "

(Get the army ready arham and send a letter about my arrival to the king of Hindustan. I will return back only after making his daughter my wife)


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