Chapter 25

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Meera was sitting in her balcony, staring into nothingness. Her palms rested on her flat belly softly caressing it.

She didn't know what to feel, her head was empty. She wished ashar was here with her, they would talk about their baby, she would knit clothes for them but now even doing those things without him seemed bitter to her.

But it seemed like he didn't want to came back to her. Maybe he forgot about her, maybe he doesn't care about her anymore, maybe he doesn't love her anymore. Just the thought of there things were enough to make her cry.

Just as she was busy in her thoughts niharika came inside. She looked at her and saw her crying.

Immediately she stood up from her place and went towards her.

"What happened" she asked her but she hugged her tightly sobbing out.

"What happened niharika. Kyu ro rahi ho?"

(What are you crying)

"Maa....she." she frowned listening about her mother.

"Kaki? What happened niharika, you are scaring me now."

"Maa and baba have fixed my marriage with Rajendra. And....when I told her about Arham she slapped me." She said while crying in between.

"Meera I don't want to get married to him. I love Arham so much. Please....please do something."

Meera hugged her tightly trying to calm her down. She knew how much of an orthodox niharika's parents were. They would never let her marry with her own choice.

She didn't know what to do anymore. How could she help her friend when her own family were against her.

"Listen to me niharika, we will definately do something." She took her to the bed and made her sit properly. Moving to the side table beside the bed she filled the metal glass with water and made her drink that trying to calm her.


Five days went by as niharika was getting hyper just at the thought of getting married to Rajendra. And especially after what he did to her yesterday.

Niharika was going towards her room when someone pulled her towards the pillar. Looking up she found Rajendra  holding her with a smirk on his face.

She wiggled around trying to get out of his hold but he digged his nails inside her arms.

"Leave me" she spoke with authority as his expressions changed.

"I know about that lover boy of yours niharika. Stop thinking about him, you are to marry me so think about me. Only me"

He said inhaling her scent when she pushed him and slapped him right across his cheek. Glaring at him for the last time she walked away from there.

Her father had gone mad when her mother told him the truth. He had slapped her, warning her about the consequences of her actions.

Day after tomorrow was her wedding, she didn't know how to help herself but for the last time she wrote a letter to Arham. She has been sending him letters since he left but he never replied.


Meera was in her chamber when she saw her brother coming inside her chamber. His face had no expressions just a blank look.

She looked at him for a second before looking away. He came and stood infront of her towering over her height.

"Look Meera, I know what is the best for you." She didn't spare him a glance as he sighed shaking his head.

"I am sending you to our grandmother's house in the south tomorrow. You will stay there till you get over him." He said and looked at her for sometime before moving out.

She felt her entire body freezing. No, this could not be happening. How cruel can her brother be? He is sending her away when all she wants is to go back to her husband.

Now it was a do or die situation for her. She has to do something. She looked up, feeling her heart breaking, maybe just maybe her brother will see how vulnerable she is without him.

He looked at her coldly befor moving out of the room.

She ran towards niharika's room as she heard her mother scolding her.

"Don't pull out any stupid stunt tomorrow niharika. Your father will kill me"

She hid behind a pillar as she moved out. Going inside she found her sitting in front of the mirror with tears running down her eyes.

"Niharika" she looked back as Meera moved towards her.


It was the next morning and the king, queen, Aryan and mehrunnissa were seeing Meera off to her grandmother's house. It took a week to reach there.

Meera didn't meet anyone and just quietly sat in her carriage which was being driven by horses.

Meera didn't meet anyone and just quietly sat in her carriage which was being driven by horses

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Her father was distressed to see his daughter not even looking at his face. The daughter he loved so much. She didn't speak to him after ashar left.

The soldiers started the journey and when she had made sure they were outside the palace she spoke up.

"Niharika, come out" she said and saw her best friend coming out of the big heavy trunk that were ment for her clothes.

They both had planned it day before when Meera went to meet her in her room. Ofcourse she would not let her friend stay back and get married to someone she doesn't love.

Now all they had to do was see an opportunity to run away.


A short update

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