Chapter 2

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Two weeks had passed after Meera read the disastrous note sent by ashar and since then she refused to talk to her father

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Two weeks had passed after Meera read the disastrous note sent by ashar and since then she refused to talk to her father. The king was in a dilemma, he was not able to understand what was happening in his empire. Now even in his dreams he ever thought that Meera would have to bear the consequences of his actions. Although whatever he did was to save her from Ashar, he knew now either by peace making or by a war he will take his daughter away from him. It was just matter of time before he would react. And it had already been two weeks, he knew Ashar's patience was hanging from a thin thread.

He broke out of his thoughts when he saw his senapati entering his chamber while a thin line of sweat coating his forehead.

"Your has been stated that the war will start any moment. They are ready to attack the fort any minute now. We still have some hours left till the sunset. I don't think they will delay this any further."

Aryaman knew that without his son he was not ready to initiate a war. The country needed the young King to fight the war and he knew that only Aryan could help him convincing Ashar but he was not there so it was the time to have a man to man conversation.

"Aap chinta na karen senapati ji, hamare liye kagaz aur syahi layiye jaldi"

(Don't worry senapati ji, please arrange a paper and ink for me)

The Senapati ordered an attendent to bring ink and paper while looking at the king's face as if trying to read his mind. He wonder what was going inside his head.

When the ink arrive he sat down on the chair and started writing

(Baadshah I am aware of your intentions of marrying my daughter and that my refusal angers you. I think it is time to talk like elders and responsible leaders so I invite you and all of your army to join us for a feast tonight. Your soldiers are welcome in our palace I hope we can sit and have a mature conversation on this topic. I hope to get a positive response.

Aryaman Singh Suryavanshi
Maharaja of Hindustan )

He folded the letter and gave it to the senapati.

"jitna jaldi ho sake baadshah tak ye khat paunchayea"

( Make it reach the baadshah expeditiously, without and further delay)

He senapati bowed and left while he sighed heavily, hoping Ashar would accept his invitation. He didn't hate him but it was against their customs and beliefs and he loved his daughter dearly. He was not aware of their culture and did not want Meera to suffer alone in a foreign land.

Closing his eyes he sat down on his bed.

On the other hand Meera was feeling restless, she didn't understand ho
w she should react. On one hand she felt hurt that her parents didn't trust her, and on the other she felt terrified when she recalled what was written inside the note. She did not feel the strength to talk to anyone, wanting some time for herself to digest the information.


Ashar was extremely infuriated in this span of two weeks. Time has passed already and there was no response from the king. He was never the one to choose bloodshed over peace but his patience was not something to be put into a test.

All though he didn't want to fight against his friend's father he had no other option left. He had already put aside his self-conceit after being rejected for the first time. This was not what he was used to. A royal prince who grew up getting everything with a snap of his finger was not someone to appreciate when he was made to ask for something twice.

He knows Aryan would not mind getting his sister married to him. But his old father was being stubborn. He knew he didn't have the patience in him to wait further and he was not dumb, he knew the last plan that the king would come up would be getting Meera married to some other prince from the neighbouring kingdom, and hell would turn upside down before he would let that happen.

He announced that the war will start soon and told the head commander, arham to make the soldiers ready.

As he was about to host the red flag indicating the start of the war, a bow from the fort came towards the field.

The bow had a letter attached to it.

The soldiers went to bring it to him. He opened it and started reading it as a smirk slowly formed on his lips.

Hmm intersting.....

He knew something was going on. The old man thinks that he is really smart. Ashar was well aware of what the old king will try to do. He will try and negotiate but do hell with that. He will go there and come back that too with Meera and at what cost? It was their's to decide. He did put forward a choice.

Looking at the headcommander he told him to send a letter to the king stating that his offer is accepted.

After Arham went away he loudly announced and addressed the army who were waiting for the hosting of the red flag.

"Ye jang abhi ke liye radd ki jati hai. Aap sabhi aaj sham ke liye tyaar rahiyega. Hindustan ke raja sahab nai aaj aap sabhi ko raat mai dawat ke liye bulaya hai."

(This war stants cancle for the time being. All of you should get ready for the evening. The maharaja of Hindustan has invited you all for a feast at night)

He closed his mind as a thought crossed his mind.

"आज शाम दावत होगी और दो दिन में मीरा हमारी बेगम"

(Today will be the feast and in two days Meera will be my wife)


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