Chapter 21

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It had been a week since Ashar and meera had come to the empire. Meera enjoyed spending time with her family and especially her childhood friends.

It was night time in the but the whole palace was shining with the beautiful decorations. It was Aryan's wedding day.

Ashar was talking to the king of a fellow empire when he saw Meera coming towards him. The king took his leave seeing her coming towards them as she held his hand to take him towards the main area. 

"Come it's time."

They threw flowers petals on the couple as they took the holy rounds around the fire. He looked towards her and saw a huge smile on her face, his jaw tightened at the though of hurting her, but that would be because of her own safety.

After the vows completed Aryan and mehrunnissa took blessings from the elders.


It was night time when Meera was in her chamber talking her jewelry off when Ashar came inside. He took off his over coat and kept it aside.

Walding towards the bed he layed down as she followed behind. Covering both of them with a blanket he held her hand underneath it.

She looked to her side wondering why he was so quite since the last week. Since the last week she has been noticing his behaviour, he doesn't talk too much with her rather just stared at her with an expression on his face she couldn't make out.

"What happened Ashar? Why are so quiet since the last week." He eyes flickered for a second before he chuckled and shook his head.

"Nothing, just some security issues of the empire."

Nodding her head she moved closer to him and wrapped her arms around his waist hugging him. He hugged her back while slowly Patting her head.

The next few days she spent with her sister in law, asking her all sorts of questions about how she and Aryan met. She was amused to know that mehrunissa was thrown out by her king father because her mother died. She met Aryan when he was out for expeditions and both met accidentally.

Sounds romantic

It was night time and Meera's father was sitting in his room when Ashar entered inside. The old king looked towards his son in law as he walked towards him. He greeted him as he just nodded and sat down.

"Why are you here?" His voice although old still had the touch of a king's hard voice.

"I'm here to apologise" Ashar looked as the king's face turned from normal to surprise and to confusion.

"Ab kyu aaye ho ?"

(Why now?) Ashar took a breath before answering, he was here to apologise to the king for what he did but his main motive was to tell him about the plotting in the kingdom against his daughter.

He wanted to tell him to take care of his wife till he came back. But before he could say something the king beat him to that.

"Why now, where were your ethics when you married my daughter by threatening me with the empire?" His voice turned bitter as he gave a nasty look to him.

Just as he opened his mouth to answer he heard Aryan's voice roaring from behind.



Meera was in her room talking to mehrunissa when niharika came running inside.

"Meera..Meera" both of them immediately stood up from their places as they saw her sprinting towards them while catching her breath.

"What happened niharika?"

"Vo Rajkumar aur baadshah.."

(The prince and baadshah) she couldn't complete her sentence when Meera interrupted her inbetween.

"What? What happened to them?" She spoke with worry written all over her face.

"They are fighting in the king's chamber" Meera rushed towards her father's room with mehrunissa and niharika following behind. As she neared her father's room she could hear loud voices form inside.



Both of them turned back and saw Aryan standing there with a clenched jaw. Ashar saw as he took long, hard steps towards him and held his collar jerking him, although Ashar's height towered him.

"Tell me Ashar, is it true? What father said?" Ashar didn't say anything as Aryan looked towards his father wanting to confirm what he heard was right or not.

The expressions on his father's face proved that whatever he heard was right. He looked back at ashar and swinged his fist across his face punching him.

Ashar took a step back because of the impact but decided to stay quite.

"You bastard, I was your friend and you fucking betrayed me" he shouted pushing him towards the wall throwing away the table in the process. The king stood at his place witnessing the whole scene but decided not to interrupt.

"You fored my sister for this marriage? Ashar how could you? She should have been like a sister to you"

"Shut up Aryan" Ashar shouted back loudly. What the hell was he even saying? Meera was is wife, one and only wife.

"You have betrayed me Ashar and I will not let my sister be with you anymore, she will not go back to kabul with you" he said jerking Ashar's collar when Meera entered the room.

Her eyes widened looking the the condition of the room. Her father was standing at a corner with all the things scattered around, and her brother holding her husband's collar with both of them glaring at each other.

"Bhai!" She ran towards them trying to seperate the two. As they both seperated she looked at ashar and saw his lip bleeding, her hands caressed his face when her brother pulled her back.

She looked astonished at his sudden act as she looked back at him.

"What happened Bhai?" He angrily looked at her with a clenched jaw. She felt scared all of a sudden looking at her brother getting angry.

"This man right here, married you forcefully, threatened our father with the empire and you are asking me what happened?"

He shook her with his tight hold on her arm as her eyes widened. She looked back at ashar while he was staring at her with a hard clenched jaw.

Feeling at a loss of words she tried to make a proper sentence. "Bhai.. I..."

"SHUT UP!!" His loud voice rang inside the whole room as she flinched at his high pitch. Turing her to face him he gave a hard look towards Ashar before staring back into her eyes.

"You will not go back to kabul with this man, ever"


Some drama is happening.

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