Chapter 22

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The words that just left her brother's mouth rang in the whole room while she stood there silently.

What was her brother even saying? He was telling her to live her whole life without her husband, the husband she cares about so much. The husband with whome she had spent so many precious moments. The husband whome she loves so much.

She twisted her arm trying to get out of his hold but his hold just tightened around her wrist. She felt her eyes getting teary at the though of staying away from him.

She looked at her brother with teary, begging eyes.

"Bhai please, I know what happened was not good but we-"

"Not.a.word.Meera" he said emphasizing on his words as he looked at his wife and mother angrily.

"Take her to your room mother." He said dragging her towards the door as she tried to get out of his hold. Her teary eyes met with Ashar's who was looking at her with a clenched jaw as if he was trying to control his own emotions.

", no Bhai please" her sister in law and mother held her from both the sides and dragged her away from the room while she kept looking back at Ashar crying.

He stood there with a clenched jaw and fisted hands as he saw her being dragged away by her mother as she cried out for him. He kept looking at her till they took her away from his sight.

Aryan looked back at him glaring.

"And you can leave tomorrow. My sister will never go back to that place."

Saying so he left his father's room in anger as the king slumped down on his chair. Ashar shared a look with the king before he also walked out to his own chamber.


Mehrunissa and the queen mother kept looking at her as she cried her heart out sitting on the bed. Her mother felt her own eyes getting teary. What was even happening in her daughter's life. First she was forced to marry someone from a far away nation and when finally she found her happiness in him her brother came taking it away from her.

Suddenly she heard the door of her room opening as Aryan came inside. His facial expressions still held the angry look from before. His eyes scanned the whole room and finally landed on his sister who was crying on the bed.

His jaw tightened with the though of her hiding her life's biggest decision from him. He wanted to be soft with her but only the thought of her lying to him was enough to make him angry.

"Your husband will leave tomorrow and you will not come out of this chamber till tomorrow evening."

Hearing his voice she looked up and found her sister in law trying to talk to him but he just gave her a hard look. Listening to his words her eyes again got filled with tears as she got down from the bed.

"Bhai please, I love him"

His eyes turned soft for a second looking at her red teary eyes but he knew this decision was for her own good. Ignoring her words he looked at his mother and said loudly.

"Make sure she doesn't leave the room" saying this he moved out while she kept staring at his back. Her mother made her sit on the bed and mehrunnissa followed her husband behind.

'beta come here" she made her lay on the bed with her head in her lap as she caressed her face softly.

Meera hugged her mother's stomach tightly as she fell asleep while crying.


"Rajkumar this is wrong" Aryan heard his wife speak as they reached their chamber.

Meera ~ anvaar-e-illahiiWhere stories live. Discover now