Chapter 30

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The soldiers attacked on amir's camps just after one word from their king.


It was time to get his wife back. Enough of this freaking play, Amir had to pay for what he did. Interfering in the trade was fine but taking his wife as hostage was the unforgivable sin.

He rode his horse with a sword in his hand, the enemy got aware of the attack and started their defence. But Ashar didn't look twice at the person who came in front of him.

His sword didn't stop, anybody who tried to stop him got their throat slit by the powerful strike of his sword.

Ashar could see himself nearing the camps, his heart was thumping in desperation to see his wife so he increased the speed of his horse moving faster than ever.

Meera on the other hand was pulled out of the tent as Amir dragged her towards a carriage. She felt her body going out if energy and her stomach aching but she tried to be awake for the sake of her baby.

In the next moment he pushed her inside the carriage harshly and moved forward to sit on the horse, just then he screamed loudly scaring Meera when an arrow came piercing through his leg.

Looking back he saw ashar speeding towards him. Ashar could feel his blood boiling at the sight of his disgusting face as he stepped down from his horse.

"BASTARD" A powerful punch sent Amir to the ground as ashar unfolded the beast inside him.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD" one, two, three and more punches were smashed to his face, cracking the bone in his nose.

Just as ashar picked up his sword to pierce it through his chest he saw the door of the carriage opening and just then he felt his heart stop.

There she came, stepping out of the carriage with a hand on her belly and his eyes fell on her tired eyes. He could sense her weakness and the sight of her pale face brought immense pain in his heart.

His eyes lowered towards her slightly swollen belly. Child, his child was sleeping there soundly as it's mother tried her best to keep it safe.

"BAADSHAH" He instantly snapped out of his trance and moved aside for Arham's arrow to hit Amir who had stood up, trying to attack ashar with his dagger.

"Agrhh" he groaned in pain as the arrow hit him in his arm resulting in a huge amount of blood to flow out.

"Ashar" her soft voice was heard as he looked up to see her walking towards him slowly while limping of her feet. He instantly walked up to her and took her body into his own embrace.

"Meera" his own voice cracked a bit showing her his own vulnerability. And then she broke down into heavy sobs. He snaked his arms around her crying form trying to calm her down while his own eyes got watery.

Her body shook as she cried for the pain, the sadness, the hurt, physical, mental, emotional, the fear and the trauma she went from.

Not for even a minute his arms lessened their hold on her body. He took a moment, trying not to let out his own emotions.

From a gesture he told Arham to hold him captive and declare that the war was over and that the king of sayyid had won. If they wished to not be loyal to their new king they could leave but betrayal was not accepted.

Feeling no movement in his arms he looked down only to see her clutching his clothes tightly while her eyes were closed but he knew that she was awake.

"Meera, come lets go home"

She struggled to walk so he instantly picked her up like a bride while moving to his own carriage as she wrapped her arms around his neck tightly.


Arham found niharika sitting inside one random tent while tightly hugging herself. Her face was buried between her knees as she cried. But what shocked him was the blood stains on her clothes.

"Niharika" looking up her eyes widened as she stood up quickly jumping in his arms.

"Arham" whispering softly, she clutched the back of his kurta and cried into his chest.

Lightly kissing her head he asked her..

"What is this blood? Are you hurt?"

She looked back and motioned towards zafar's body on the floor with blood flowing out of his arm. He had tried to assault her but before he could do anything, niharika stabbed his arm with a dagger. He fell back and slowly lost consciousness because of the heavy blood loss.

"I killed someone" her voice shook as he tightened his hold on her. She couldn't believe that she killed someone, she hurt someone so badly that he lost his life. Even the thought of it made her sick to her stomach.

"Shh, he is not dead. Look he is still breathing. I will kill him myself"

Kissing her forehead for a last time he held her hand and pulled her out.


Ashar walked inside his tent with Meera in his arms. Reaching the bed he softly lowered her on the bed and made her sit properly. He opened his bloodied kurta changing into a fresh one and came to sit beside her.

She was still quiet and her face still looked pale. Feeling him holding her hand she looked into his eyes, he looked tired as if he had no sleep since days.

Her eyes again burned with tears and he pulled her to his chest while rubbing her back.

"Shh, bas ab Rona nahi Meera, aapki ankho Mai hum aansu nahi dekh sakhte"

(Don't cry please. I can't see tears in your eyes)

She sniffed trying to control her tears when he bent down to kiss her stomach. She looked at him as he gave a firm kiss on her chapped lips and then pecked her forehead.

"We will proceed for kabul tomorrow. You rest, till then I have some work"


Finally they both are united.

Meera ~ anvaar-e-illahiiWhere stories live. Discover now