Chapter 28

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"you should forget her!" Ashar heard his aunt speak as she took a walk to stand infront of him. His eyes noticing every little movement she made.

"It's better if you don't interfere in this buajaan"

"You don't understand Ashar she will kill you just like that girl killed my Aasad"

His ears suddenly felt sharp and his breathing stopped. It has been so long since he heard this name. Aasad, the person who was the closest to him, his best friend, his partner in crime, his twin brother.

"I told you to not speak about him"

She shuddered hearing his harsh voice but refused to back off.

"You know the truth, SHE KILLED HIM" Just then his eyes shut close as his mind went into flashback.

15 years ago

During this time both ashar and aasad were just fifteen, stepping their feet in adulthood. They came back after completing their schooling and training for seven years.

Just after a few days of coming back ashar felt a change in aasad's behaviour. Nadeem was also their age and the three of them were inseparable although Ashar was more focused on the court work as he was the next in line to the thrond being five minutes elder.

Aasad was the closest to his bua, because she was unmarried and had no kids she was insanely attached to the youngest in the family while Kareem was just about to get married at that time.

When they both turned sixteen he saw a completely different change in his brother. He used to stay quiet when with family but used to sneak out at night, thinking no one noticed but Ashar did.

One day he decided to follow him and what he saw shocked him. His brother was near the royal pond with a girl while laying on her lap.

He realised his brother was in love.

Deciding to talk to him about later he went away but what he didn't notice was Nadeem standing behind the pillar glaring at the couple with envious eyes.

After confronting him he told ashar everything. But after a few days ashar started noticing aasad and Nadeem having problems with each other. They no longer talked to each other and did not even practice together. They didn't even stood in the same room, so he decided to confront both of them.

After talking to Nadeem he found out that he was in love with adhira, his brother's love interest.

He tried explaining to Nadeem that he should move on but Nadeem went away saying that ashar betrayed him as a friend.

After Nadeem made an attempt to kidnap adhira aasad went out of control and a fight broke out between them, but that was only known to Ashar.

Having enough that aasad decided that to keep adhira safe he will have to marry her. He told his parents and they were shocked, they denied the marriage anc told him to get engaged but his aunt being totally opposite persuaded the king and the queen to change their decision.

Nadeem got to know about this plan and went mad. Just one week before the marriage he met aasad on the garden attached to his chamber.

"Still some time is left aasad, i want her and I will get her by hook or crook"

Saying so he took out his sword and attempted to push it across aasad's stomach when adhira came inside the chamber.

"AASAD" Nadeem clenched his fist hearing her getting worried for somebody else. Immediately he pushed her aside and attacked aasad again. A fight broke out and aasad fell down. Taking the advantage for the situation aasad lifted his sword and pierced it across his chest.

"AASADDDDDD" Adhira screamed as she saw her soon to be husband laying on the floor with blood all around him. Nadeem heard voices from outside and threw the bloody sword in the ground immediately running away while on the way he bumped into ashar who was running towards his brother's chamber.

When Ashar reached inside he saw adhira emotionlessly looking at something. Turning his gaze he found the most horrifying scene in front of him.

Aasad's body on the floor with a huge sword pierced across his chest. Just then he heard his parents and aunt coming inside.

He didn't hear a word they said, just kept looking at the lifeless body of his brother, his bestfriend, his confidant.

A loud voice of slap brought him out of his thoughts. With bloody red eyes he saw his aunt slapping adhira, thrashing her here and there while crying heavily.


But Ashar knew better, he knew who did it.

He snapped out of his thoughts when Arham came inside hurriedly. Just as he was about to say something Ashar gestured him to stop.

His aunt looked at him with teary eyes but one look from him and she moved out. Arham noticed the look on his face, his eyes were bloodshot red and he could see nerves popping out of his neck.

Clearing his throat he saw as ashar moved to the table to drink some water. Finishing he gestured him to speak.

"Baadshah, we found malika."

This seemed to get his attention as he immediately looked at him, with his red, tired eyes.

"Where is she?" He spoke with his hoarse voice but with desperation inside his heart. He was dying to meet her, and the fact that it has been a month she had gond missing was eating his brain. Fir God sake she was pregnant. He saw as arham took a deep breath before answering.

"She is captured by Amir Hamza"


I am busy with exams so updates are late.

Anyways what do you think about aasad. Now you all know why Nadeem is doing this.

I'm not very satisfied with this.

Meera ~ anvaar-e-illahiiWhere stories live. Discover now