Chapter 27

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"baadshah, dakshin se ek paigam aaya hai, malika ke bhai ki taraf se"

(We have a letter from the queen's brother)

He took the letter and opened the seal to read what was written inside.


I don't know how to tell you this. I'm sorry I couldn't keep the promise I made to you. I sent Meera to our grandmother's house but on the way she ran away. I'm sorry I faild you, I failed my sister.

One more thing she hid from me was that she was going to be a mother. I'm sorry my friend I couldn't keep the promise. I couldn't protect her.

My army is searching for her. I hope we find her soon.


With a thud he sat down, what just happened. Meera ran away? He stayed away from her for two weeks to keep her safe and now she is missing, she is pregnant? He is going to be a father and was not even aware about it.

How is she? Does she even have a shelter to stay in? Does she have food to eat.

"Tell the army to get ready Arham, we'll be leaving in the afternoon."

His eyes got filled with rage at even the thought of something happening to her. No, this can't be happening, he has to leave, he needs to find her.


Meera woke up and found herself in a dark room, it had curtains all around without a door.

Looking at her side she saw niharika also waking up. She looked around for some water feeling her stomach hurt. On one table she found a metal jar filled with water.

Instantly gulping down the liquid she felt her throat calming down.

"Here" she passed the jaw towards niharika.

"Where are we?" Niharika looked around trying to figure out her surrounding. A dark room with thin curtains around. The place looked really different.

Just then they saw the same man that met them earlier enter inside. He was wearing a long grey robe and had a think beard with moustache.

"W..who are you?" She asked him, taking a step back while placing a protective hand over her belly. It was already showing a little bit which she tried to cover it with her shawl.

"Now you don't get to ask questions lady" he said as he took a step forward making both of them move back.

"Stay away." Her strong voice gained an amused chuckle from him. She really is playing with fire.

"Shehanshah will be here anytime soon, then we will decide what to do with you both"

Saying so he turned around and went outside the tent. They both sat down on the bed with a thud, what were they supposed to do now?

"I think we should escape. I don't have a good feeling about this Meera"

Nodding her head she stood up and tried to look outside from the tiny hole in the tent. They area around them was all deserted. She could see huge sand dunes in that area.

Also some soldiers were surrounding the tent with weapons in their hand so running away was out of choice.

Suddenly they heard a noise from the enterance of the tent as they saw a huge man coming inside. He had a thick black beard, with long hair rolled into braids. She could feel the dangerous aura he created with his presence.

Niharika came and stood beside her as they both looked at him being petrified.
He took hard steps towards both of them but just before he could touch them Meera took out a dagger out from her skirt.

"Don't dare to take a step ahead" her voice rang inside the whole tent and he stopped on his track.

"Move back" forwarding the dagger she touched it to his stomach when in a second he snatched it from her hand throwing it away.

Instantly he held her wrists twisting it when she whimpered in pain.

"Ah..leave me " she said as niharika tried to push him away.

"Don't try to play with me woman, you don't know me." His said as he lot go of her wrist. Just then he heard another person entering inside.

Meera and niharika were stunned to see the person coming inside.

"YOU?" Their voice rang in the whole tent and the person infront of them looked equally surprised.

And they saw as his expressions changed from surprised to a smirk. Meera felt her heart beat increasing looking at his face. And then he stared laughing.

Amir looked back at him scruncing his eyebrows as he saw him coming forward and tapping his shoulder.

"I can't believe this Amir, we were going crazy looking for her and she came here on her own. What a coincidence?"

"What do you mean?"

"She is Ashar's wife" the king's face changed and he turned his face to look into her eyes with a wierd face.

In an instance he took a hold of her wrist and pulled her closer, smirking at her.

"Huh...I was looking for this bitch everywhere and look she came to me by herself."

Meera could feel his disgusting nails digging inside her arms as she wiggled in his hold. She was not able to comprehend what just happened.

Nadeem was betraying her husband? He was right the whole time, he knew something was wrong with him.

"ZAFAR!" He shouted loudly as Zafar came inside.


"Take is bitch away, do whatever you want" he said as Zafar took a hold of niharika's wrist dragging her outside.

"Noooo, leave me. Meeraaa" she shouted trying to get out of his hold, hitting him on his arms when he slapped her across her cheek.

"NIHARIKAAA!!!" She cried out trying to run towards her when Amir pulled her back.


Nadeem watched the whole scene with a big smirk on his face. Finally his revenge will be completed. Passing a look at Meera's teary eyes he walked out of the tent.


Now now now.

What just happened.

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