Chapter 20

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Ashar opened his eyes hearing the commotion outside the chamber. He looked at the other side of the bed and saw Meera in deep sleep.

He immediately got up wearing his clothes and took out his sword. Before moving out he properly covered her with the blanket.

Just as he stepped outside he saw that there was still some time for the sunrise. Soldiers were running around just when Arham came running from the other side.


"What is happening?" He asked as Arham took out a letter folded that he was holding and gave it to him. While reading the letter Ashar could feel his body getting hot with anger as his hold around the paper tightened.

You may hope for the best king, I'll take away the most prized possession of your empire.

Your friend Amir Hamza.

It didn't take him to understand the hidden meaning behind the words written in the letter.

"You get the soldiers ready, we will leave in the afternoon." Saying so he proceeded to the royal court. Amir Hamza had sent this letter through an arrow which breached the security of the palace.

Now Ashar was sure that someone was involved with him and that person was definitely close to him.


Meera woke up when she felt someone shaking her. Opening her eyes she saw niharika trying to wake her up and her face looked tensed.

She instantly sat up straight but held the blanket around her tightly.

"Kya hua?"

(What happened?)

"You should get ready. Baadshah said you will be leaving in the afternoon."

"But we were leaving next week?"

"I don't know Meera, something happened in the morning."

"What?" Her voice immediately changed into a worried tone, feeling that something was wrong.

"The security of the palace was breached and baadshah is very angry."

Meera felt that something was terribly wrong. She nodded her head and moved to the bathing area. After getting ready she moved out and saw attendants packing her clothes in big metal boxes.

She moved out of the chamber to look for ashar, walking through the corridors of the harem she reached the royal court. She walked to the area where queen mother was sitting.

"Ammi Jaan"

"Oh Meera, come sit"

She sat down beside her, through the transparent curtain she could see Ashar sitting on the throne while his hard voice shook the court.

She could feel anger radiating through his voice and this was the first time she saw him getting so angry.

After the court got over she went with her mother in law to the ladies royal court. The queen mother was still the incharge of the harem, while she helped her in making decisions.

Nobody in the palace knew what was written in the letter except for Arham and Ashar. All of them just knew that somebody in the palace helped the enemy to breach the security.

After the discussion Meera moved back to her chamber. Thay had to leave in an hour. Although she felt excited to go back home, her heart felt somewhat heavy.

As she was standing in the balcony she heard footsteps from behind. Turning back she saw Ashar standing there with his hand behind his back.

He was wearing a black kurta with a heavy overcoat and his crown. His neck was adorned with jewelry and he held his sword in the other hand.

"Let's go" he said and forwarded his hand for her to hold it. She placed her hands into his large palms as both of them walked towards the enterance gate of the palace.

The whole family was tere to see them off. He sat on his horse as she sat inside her palanquin with niharika beside her. The triumphs blew as Ashar pulled his horse's reign and started the journey with Arham and soldiers following behind.


After travelling for three weeks they finally reached the outskirts of the suryawanshi empire.

"How do you feel?" Niharika asked Meera as they both were sitting inside the palanquin waiting to reach the palace.

"Nervous" she answered while removing the curtain and peeking out. She saw they were in the village closest to the palace. Just an hour and they will reach home.

"Tum batao, kaki ko Arham ke bare Mai kab bataogi?"

(You tell me, when are you going to tell your mother about Arham?)

"I'll tell her after reaching there. Anyway I will leave with you"

After an hour later they felt the tilt as they were walking ahead. They could make out that they were climbing up the route to the palace.

Meera felt her heart beating faster as she felt the triumphs blowing. The last time she heard these were when she was leaving six months ago, nervous and scared of her new life and now while returning back she felt nervous yet excited about meeting her family again.

She felt the soldiers putting the palanquin down as niharika got down. Just like the last time she saw ashar standing infront with his hand out for her to hold while waiting for her. Putting her hands on his palm she got out and saw her parents and and brother standing there waiting for her.

Both of them walked forward as she bent down to touch their feet. Her mother instantly pulled her into a hug with teary eyes. She kissed her forehead as meera moved ahead to meet her father. She could see him staring at her husband but she didn't care about that at the moment.

After meeting her father she moved ahead and instantly hugged her brother while her own eyes turned teary from the overwhelming feeling of meeting her family after six months.

"Kaise ho Meera?"

(How are you Meera?)

"I'm good Bhai, I missed you so much. How have you been?"

"Hum bhi theek hain. Ab aap aa gayi Hain na"

(I'm also good)

She waited as ashar met everybody in the family.

"Come lets go, you two should also rest"

The helpers opened her chambers door as both ashar and meera entered inside. She could feel all the old memories come back as she roamed around.

After taking a round in the whole chamber she came back and saw that ashar was not in the chamber.


Ashar and Arham were in Arham's chamber discussing about the main reason to come here. They both knew what Amir Hamza was up to and they knew the she needed to be protected.

"Lekin baadshah aap malika se kya kahenge?"

(What what will you say to the queen?)

Ashar stood up from his place and moved towards the balcony with his chief following behind.

"You know someone from the palace is involved in this. I can't take the risk of taking her back till everything is sorted out. Even if I tell her the truth she will not agree to stay back. I will have to break her heart for sometime."

He said feeling his own heart hurt with the though if leaving his wife so far away from him, but her safety is more important for him.


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