Chapter 19

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Two months passed by and with time both of their relationship got stronger. With time Ashar realised the severity of his actions towards her and her family and tried to compensate for the hurt he caused her. He wanted to talk to her but he was not able to. But he decided to talk to her before leaving for hindustaan.

It was Aryan's marriage a month later and meera could not wait for it. They were going to leave in two weeks but before that ashar had a problem to solve.

The enemy kingdom's King Amir humza was being nozy in the trade work. He was trying to invade the outer areas of the kingdom, setting up their army around the borders, and looting the villages.

One thing Ashar always hated was when someone tried to create nuisance in his kingdom. He was a righteous king and hated to see his people suffering.

But the thing that didn't sit right with him was that Amir Hamza could not do this alone. He was sure that there is a person who is involved with him. He just needed to find him.

While walking out of the court he spotted Meera sitting in the royal garden playing with a rabbit while other animals surrounded her. He walked up to her and immediately some rabbits surround him around his legs.

Meera looked above and saw him looking at her with a smile. Three months passed since they got married and she had become more comfortable with him than what she felt when they first got married. Never had he ever tried to cross the line with her. A quality of his that she admired the most.

She kept the little rabbit on the ground and stood up facing him. He had a smile on his face and the light stubble made him look even more handsome.

"You look beautiful"

He said forwarding his hand to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. Meera looked at him as he admired her and felt her heart beat increasing.

"Let's go"

He nodded and both walked towards the dining hall to eat their dinner. His sister and her family had gone back a week before.

Meera still never got the time to ask him about why he was so hostile towards Nadeem. The only time she tried to ask him about that, he just told her not to go near him ever again.

Just as he sat down on his place everybody started eating. She had always felt being looked at since they all started eating together. His aunt constantly had her eyes on her, as if waiting for her to make a mistake so she could humiliate her.

Trying to ignore her she concentrated on her food. Since she came here, the food items had changed and Ashar also stared eating vegetarian food.

All these little things he did for her made her feel as if she was falling in love with him and maybe she was. She didn't know, but whatever it was she liked the feeling of being near him.

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