Chapter 23

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A week passed by and meera didn't talk to anyone in her family. They had betrayed her in the worst way possible. She was so excited to come here but now she dreaded every second inside the palace.

Aryan too never came inside her chamber after that day. Her mother tried to talk to her but got no reaction from her except for silence.

Niharika was also quiet most of the time. Her mother kept asking her what was wrong but she never said anything. Her thoughts roamed around arham and the time they spent together. She wondered if they would ever meet each other again.

Right now she was in Meera's chamber. They both didn't speak a word but both knew what the other was feeling at the moment. Although Meera didn't allow anyone to come near her, niharika was different. She was the only one who understood her pain.

She was laying on the mattress in the balcony just staring at the grey sky. All her thoughts roamed around her husband. She missed him so much. If someone would have told her that one day she would cry for ashar before the got married she would have laughed but everything was so different now.

She knew she could do nothing but wait for him. Her brother would never let her leave and she didn't even know in what direction was her home. She was stuck here till the time he decided to come back.


Ashar reached back kabul after three weeks of traveling. At the main gate he saw his parents and aunt waiting for him. He dispersed the army as he got down while only the family members were left there. He could see his mother's smile turning into a frown.

"Assalamualaikum" he greeted everyone as they greeted back. The queen mother came forward and asked him.

"Where is Meera?" She saw his eyes flickering as his jaw clenched before he answered.

"She will not come back." Her eyes widened as she looked at him with an opened mouth.

"What! What are you even saying Ashar?"

"I don't think I have to repeat myself" she had a surprised look on her face just when his aunt spoke from behind.

"Ashar my child. So good that you left that wrench there. Now all the problems will be solved in the family."

He closed his eyes trying to maintain his calm. He never understood why she hated his wife so much. It amused him how she spoke such venomous words without blinking an eye.

He didn't say a word and proceeded to secret chamber with Arham following behind. Now that Meera was safe he could start looking for the imposter.

Reaching inside he closed the door as arham took out the map.

"Baadshah this is Amir sultanate and all the routes that his soldiers have captured."

They looked at the map analysing the trade routes. The first thing he needed to do was to kill all those who were stopping the foreign trade. And side by side look for the enemy in his own house.


Niharika came inside Meera's chamber trying to look for her. She checked the bath, the bedroom and the dressing area and she was nowhere to be found.

Her hear beat increased as she looked for her in the final place where she could be. Walking to the balcony she looked around only for her eyes to widened at the sight.

Meera was laying on the floor as she hurriedly took steps towards her. Her lips had turned pale and her body was cold.

"Meera" she shook her trying to wake her up but got no response. Immediately she called the royal doctor as she tried to pick her up. With a little difficulty she made her lay on the bed as the doctor came inside.

She checked her pulse and did a few examinations as niharika stood there nervously biting her nails.

The doctor smiled at her as she spoke out.
"Congratulations baisa, Rajkumari is going to become a mother soon"

Niharika felt at a loss of words. She didn't know why but her eyes got filled with tears. She knew how things will get tough to for her friend now that she has a baby on the way. She knew Meera would not want her family to know about this but she couldn't tell them by herself before asking her.

She smiled a little and said to the doctor.
"It's a very confidential information doctor, make sure you don't talk about it to anyone"


Meera woke up as she found niharika sleeping beside her. She made a little movement in order to get up when niharika opened her eyes.

"You woke up." She said as she sat up straight. Meera could feel that she was trying to say something. Before she could ask her, she opened her mouth to say something.

"Meera," She fumbled not finding words to explain to her best friend that she was pregnant.

"I what niharika. Seedhe se bolo"

(Say clearly)

" fainted so I called the doctor and she said that you......" She stopped as meera looked at her in anticipation.

Taking in a deep breath she continued.
"She said that you are going to have a baby"


It has already been two weeks since Ashar was back in kabul. In theses two weeks he killed every person who was involved with Amir humza. He established control over all the trade routes disposing off of amir's camps.

But what he was unable to find in these days was the imposter in his own family.
He kept himself busy in work trying not to think about his wife. He kept telling himself that once all of this would be over, nobody will be able to seperate them.

His parents were not talking to him especially his mother. She refused to even see his face.

Right now he was in the harem with his mother who didn't spare him a glance but she had some official work to discuss with him. Just then his aunt entered the chamber with a few of her attendants following behind.

His mother ignored her but he could see a smirk on her face.

She is definitely up to something. 

"Ashar I know that your worthless wife has done something horrible to hurt you that you left her there. I know you my son, but I can't see you suffering like this."

He saw as she came forward and stood in front of him.

"I can't see you spending your entire life alone just because some wrench of a woman played with you. I have found the perfect girl for you, you should take a second wife."


Ashar might kill her👀

Honestly even I would.

What do you all think?

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