Chapter 3

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Meera was sitting in her room

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Meera was sitting in her room. She didn't have the power in her talk to her father after reading the letter. It was messing up with her mind and also, she was mad at her father for hiding such a huge thing from her.

She was a strong headed woman but at the same time emotional when it comes to her family. And when something like this was hid from her by her own father, she felt hurt. It made her feel as if she was not strong enough.

She snapped out of her thoughts when Niharika came inside the room.

"I don't wish to talk to anyone, Niharika please go away"

She said and looked away. Since morning she was sitting in her bed being upset, not even talking to her bestfriend. The mere thought of getting married to Ashar left chills down her spine and every time that thought crossed her mind she felt the need to forget it.

Niharika looked at her friend for a few seconds before sitting down beside her. She understood how difficult it was for her to cope up with something like this. The offer placed just did not determine her future but the future of the whole kingdom depended on her one decision.

She let out a sigh while placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Meera... I came here to tell you that his majesty has invited baadshah Ashar at night for a feast"

Meera looked at her as her eyes got stung with tears.

"What should I do you only tell me.  niharika I do not wish to marry him"

She let it out in a hoarse and heavy voice. She didn't wish to cry but the pressure of the situation broke upon her and she felt terrified for what would happen if she refused.

She didn't want to marry someone who lived so far away from her home. She didn't mind marrying any officer in the court if it meant she would be able to stay close to her family.

Once her brother will return he will talk to the king and then make peace with that fact that this marriage will not happen.

Wiping her tears her bangles making soft noises as she placed her dupatta back on her head and stood up from the bed.

"Let him come, I don't care. He is our guest and it's better if it stays like that....You come with me to the garden, I neet to pick some flowers"

You come with me to the garden, I neet to pick some flowers"

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Meera ~ anvaar-e-illahiiWhere stories live. Discover now