Chapter 31

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Meera felt the bright light of sun directly on her face. Squirming around she tried to get up but found Ashar's arms around her waist.

His eyes opened in an instant feeling her moving around.

"Are you okay?"

Nodding she tried to get up and sit straight on the bed as he helped her.

"I'm hungry"

Getting down from the bed he clapped twice as an attendee walked inside.

"Jao aur malika ke liye khana lekar aao"

(Bring food for the queen)

He filled a glass with water forwarding it to her. With shaky hands she took it, gulping it in one go.

He sat on the bed beside her. Her gaze didn't shift from her lap, she was angry, upset and hurt but most importantly she was scared and afraid of what happened in the past one month.

Since a month she was captured by Amir humza, she was scared for her life, she was  scared for her baby's life.

"Meera, hum jante Hain ki bahut si cheezein Hain jinke bare mai Hume baat karni chahiye. Magar iss waqt hum aapki salamati chahatein hain."

(Meera, I know that we have a lot to talk about, but right now I want you to be in good health.)

He sighed when she did not say anything. He knew the turmoil inside her but taking about all these things would only increase her stress.

Forwarding his hand he lightly stroked her fingers before continuing.

"We will talk once we go back, here have your food. We will leave in the afternoon" 

The attendee gave her the plate and she started eating her food. Ashar sat there for a moment before standing up.

"I have to talk to Arham. You eat, I will come back in a minute"

Saying so he moved out of the tent. A minute later Meera saw niharika coming inside. She hurriedly stood up from the bed running towards her and took her into a tight hug.

"Niharika" her voice sounded that I'd relief as she held onto her best friend. The moment Zafar had taken her away she had felt hopeless and awful that she wasn't able to help her bestfriend.

"Wha..what did he do to you?"

Sitting on the bed she looked at her contemplating her answer. Niharika licked her lips nervously before answering.

"I..umm... I stabbed his arm with..a dagger"

Meera looked at her for a moment before pulling her into a hug.

"I'm so proud of you, you did what was right" she whispered into her ears while still hugging her tightly.

Breaking the hug niharika wiped her tears and softly smiled at her friend keeping a hand on her belly caressing it.

"And how is the baby" Meera smiled back with a tired expression on her face. The baby was definitely giving her a hard time but nothing she could not take.

"Just a little active"

Standing up niharika adjusted her veil and said.

"You should get ready, we will leave in an hour, call me if you need help"


"We will reach there by evening." Ashar said once Meera was settled inside the palanquin making sure she was comfortable.

She nodded without looking at him as he sighed softly before walking to his horse.

The journey started and it took them seven hours to reach the palace. Just like the first time when she entered as a bride she felt her heart beating loudly while climbing up the slope and hearing the triumphs blowing.

She felt the soldiers keeping the palanquin down and again just like the first time she saw Ashar's hand out for her to hold.

"Aaiye Meera, ammi intezar kar rahi hain"

(Come Meera, mother is waiting for you)

He spoke after seeing her not holding his hand. Hesitantly she forwarded her hand into his and stepped outside.

It was already dark, and a little windy. The clouds hand turned grey and it was surely about to rain in a few moments.

Looking up she saw the former king, the queen mother and his aunt waiting at the enterance. She felt his grip tightening on her hand as they both moved forward.

"Hamari bachi"

(My child)

The queen mother came forward opening her arms wide and taking Meera into a tight hug. Breaking the hug she smiled at her and kissed her forehead. But her smile turned into a frown when she saw her swollen belly.

"Meera, beta kya aap-"

(Child are you-)

"Ji ammi"

(Yes mother)

The queen mother broke into happy tears hugging her again while praying to the almighty. This day couldn't have turned better. Finally she was going to become a grandmother.

Turning to look at her son she pulled him into a hug while kissing his forehead multiple times.

"Mubarak ho beta"


Ashar smile back as he moved closer to meera and held her hand. They met his aunt and father as the old king blessed him with all his heart but his aunt did not look very happy.

"She needs rest, we will proceed to the chambers."

Keeping a hand on her back he took her back to their chamber. Entering inside he could feel his heart in peace. Finally after two long and painful months she was finally home.

There was so much to talk about, so much to explain, so much to ask but all he could do was stay mute looking at her as she slowly sat on the bed.

She slumped against the wall behind the bed and kept her head on it for support. Ashar knew they had to talk but this was not the right time for it.

So he walked up to his side and laid down while she sat like that for a few moments.

After the last lamp blew off she herself laid on the bed and closed her eyes trying to sleep.

She felt his arm circling her waist from behind as he pulled her closer to himself pressing her back to his chest.

Closing her eyes she decided to go to sleep but felt a feathery kiss on her head. Her eyes teared up and she turned around burying her head into his chest breaking into sobs.

Ashar didn't do anything rather just patted her back softly while pecking her forehead multiple times.


It's coming to an end soon.

Meera ~ anvaar-e-illahiiWhere stories live. Discover now