Chapter 26

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"WHAT!!!" Aryan's loud voice rang in the whole chamber as the senapati told him about meera being missing since last night.

The senapati himself was in distress, his daughter was nowhere to be found and he contemplated thinking that maybe she ran away with the Princess.

The king was sitting on his throne, but he was not feeling the power normally the throne provided him with. He felt so week, his daughter was missing and he was not able to do anything.

With what face would he even go infront of his son in law after promising him to keep his wife safe. He felt like a failure.

Aryan paced around the chamber when his eyes feel on his wife's worried face. She looked scared? By looking at her expressions when she saw him staring at her, he understood that she knew something.

Signalling her through his eyes he took her into a secluded area. Looking at her with a hard glare he asked her.

"What do you know meher?"

He watched as she tried to look away, her eyes were already red as if she was trying to control her emotions.

"Say it" her body shivered as she looked up into his eyes. Her mouth opened but she found it difficult to tell the truth. He would get so mad at her for keeping the truth away from him.


"You what?" Holding her upper arm he asked her again getting restless.

"Meera, she is pregnant" there, she dropped the bomb.



"What did you just say?" His eyes glaring at her

"Aryan please-"

"God meher, what is wrong with you? If you knew this why didn't you tell me!!!"

She choked on her tears trying to hold his hand.

"She was scared Aryan, she was scared to tell you"

His red eyes looked at her, boring into her soul.

"I can't believe this, FUCK" He shouted kicking the table, pulling his hair. His sister was pregnant and he didn't know about it. Right now she was alone, nowhere to be found, how was she supposed to be going through this alone?

Not sparing a glance at his wife he went outside and shouted on all the soldiers.



Meera and niharika were running since last night. She felt her stomach hurting but she knew she had to do it. They both sneaked out at night where the army took rest.

Since then it was already noon and they were still running. On her way she threw her jewelry because of how much inconvenience it caused her while running.

"Meera you should rest now, it's not good for the baby" she said when she found a secluded area in the forest

"Here have this." Forwarding an apple towards her she herself sat down beside her.

They took rest there for hold an hour, trying to gain energy to somehow reach the deserted area.

After taking rest they stood up to walk again when they both saw an old lady with a bullock cart. She stopped in front of them.

"Do you need something?" Niharika decided to answer, they could atleast take some help.

"Yes umm....we have lost our way so can you help us reach the desert."

The old lady's face instantly changed.

"Good day for you both, I'm going there. You both can sit inside." Smiling at each other in relief they sat inside the covered shield thanking God for helping them.


"Here you can get down" stepping outside they both joined their hands thanking her. Looking forwards Meera could see some army camps but they looked very far away, almost near the boundary of the land, maybe they would be able to help them.

They walked forward holding their lehenga from one hand trying to walk without tripping as the hot sun sucked their energy out.

Suddenly Meera fell down, as niharika ran towards her, her own body drained out of energy.

"MEERA??" She sat near her trying to wake her up. She could see that half her eyes were opened.

"I can't niharika,'t walk anymore" she spoke with tears running down her eyes, regretting the idea of even running away. She was in so much pain, her stomach ached so much. She was trying to be strong but it was too much.

Being three months pregnant and walking in such scorching heat was draining all her energy. Ashar, she wanted him, she needed him at the moment so much, she missed him so much.

Niharika kept her head on her lap patting it gently trying to give her some relief, anything she would be able to give.

Just then both of them looked towards the direction from where they could hear horse noises. Niharika looked petrified at the men clad in heavy black outfits with swords and weapons.

Meera tried to get up when she saw them coming towards them. Even before she could properly stand up they made a huge circle around them, trapping them in between.

"Wha...what do you want?" Her voice shivered but she tried to be strong.

A man who looked like their chief stepped ahead. He had a disgusting smirk on his face as he stared at both the women scanning them from top to bottom.

"We wonder what are these two beautiful women doing here? All alone without a man."


Both Meera and niharika stepped back as they saw him coming closer. They watched at he motioned something to the soldiers behind them and then everything went black.


"Shehanshah" Zafar said as he walked inside the area his king was talking to someone.

"Kaho Zafar kya khabar laye ho?"

(What news do you have?)

"Shehanshah hume pass mai he do aurten mili hain, poshak se toh dakshin se malum hoti hain"

(We found two women near the border, firm their clothes they look as if they are from south)

"Hmm, take them to the secluded room, I'll come in a few minutes" the king said as he looked back at his friend.

"Toh batao Nadeem, kabul se kya khabar hai?"

(So tell me Nadeem, what information di you have from kabul?)


Who do you think it is?

Meera and niharika got themselves in trouble.

Meera ~ anvaar-e-illahiiWhere stories live. Discover now