𝙬𝙚𝙙𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙙𝙖𝙮 𝙖𝙙𝙙𝙖𝙢𝙨 › love

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Wednesday never thought she could love, not until she met you. You made her feel something, something she wasn't used too. But when her eyes first laid on you, she knew you were different.

But right now, the two of you were friends. Even though Wednesday could never get you off her mind, no matter how long she'd write or play the cello.

Wednesday didn't know if you felt the same way about her. But she hadn't told anyone, not even Enid or thing.

She was fighting her emotions, trying to find every way to stop loving you. Still, the feeling in her heart never left. And the want to be around you never stopped.

You were currently in Wednesdays dorm, sitting on her bed. Enid was away somewhere so she decided to invite you for once.

You watched as she typed away on her type writer, she hadn't spoken a word since you had arrived.

"Wednesday?" You spoke up but she didn't turn to look at you.

You waited a few seconds, thinking she'd at least make a noise or turn to look at you, but she didn't.

"Wednesday!" You raised your voice and she finally decided to look at you.

"What y/n" she replied while still typing away.

"Why did you invite me here, if your not even going to speak to me" you asked and she finally stopped typing.

Instead, she stood up from her chair and leaned against the table.

"Y/n i-" she paused and looked out the window, trying to find the right words.

"Your my friend, one of the few that I've made at this school. And.." she turned her head to look at you.

"And?.." you whispered, wondering what she was going to say.

"Your different" She said and moved away from the table, and walked over to the window.

"I don't know how to say it." She gazed down to the floor, and sighed.

You eventually decided to stand up and you slowly walked over to her.
"Wednesday, what is it?" You asked.

"I hate it y/n. I hate these feelings."

You were completely confused.
"What feelings? Feelings of friendship or-"

"-Feelings of love y/n , you make me feel things. Things that I don't want to feel, I can't get you off my mind. It's like some type of curse." Wednesday finally explained and you felt your heart flutter.

Wednesday Addams loved you? The girl that people always called emotionless and cold?

You couldn't speak. It was like all the things you were going to say, had disappeared.

"I knew this would happen. You'd go silent and-"

Not another word was spoken, as your lips had met with hers. You cupped her cheeks with your hands and kissed her. Wednesday was surprised but didn't refuse to kiss back.

You eventually pulled away for oxygen, as you rested your head against hers, both of you breathing heavily.

"I like you too" you smiled as Wednesday couldn't help but smile too.

You both ended up pulling away from each other.

"Well, it's nice to know you feel the same." She spoke up and was about to say something else, but there was a noise coming from under her desk.

"What?" You asked, noticing her looking at something.

You turn around and also look at the desk.

Wednesday soon walks over to her desk, and looks under to see thing there. She quickly grabs him before he could move and stands up.

"Have you been here the whole time?" She asked him.

He did random hand movements that you couldn't understand, but Wednesday could.

After hearing whatever he had said, she put him back on her desk.

"Where were we?"

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