𝙖𝙟𝙖𝙭 𝙥𝙚𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙥𝙤𝙡𝙪𝙨 › confused

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You hated Ajax and he hated you, the feeling was mutual between the two of you.

Neither of you knew how it started, but ever since you laid eyes on him you were at each other's throats.

People were confused on what may have caused the spark of hatred between the two of you, but to you Ajax was self centred and rude.

He probably felt the same way about you, still you didn't care what he thought.

And you disliked him even more, when he would do anything to get you in trouble. He'd spread rumours about you and would tell people that you hated them.

Which lead to a few students in the school not liking you, all because Ajax wanted to ruin everything in your life.

Everywhere you went, he was always there to cause chaos. When you thought he couldn't make things worse, he could.

Once, he told a popular siren in the school that you liked him. And for weeks, that guy was teasing you over it.

If anything, it just gave you more reasons to despise Ajax.


You were walking through nevermore, and was already late to your class.

You forgot to set your alarm last night, so you woke up late. And the last thing you needed, was trouble.

Still, when you walked around a corner. You so happened to bump into a strong figure, which made you fall down.

"Oh sh*t, sorry y/n." Ajax smirked.

As you looked up at him, all you wanted to do was to smack that smirk off his face.

"Looks like someone's mad." He chuckled.

He put his hand out for you to take, yet instead you decided to smack it away.
"Don't talk to me." You muttered.

"What did I do?" He said, playing innocent.

"You know what you did." You scoffed and grabbed your books off from the floor.

When you stood back up, Ajax had his hands on his hips.

"See you later asshole." You said.

However, as you went to walk past him he caught your arm in his hand.
"Later peach." He winked before letting go of you.

"Shut up." You muttered and continued to head to class, now running because Ajax had made you even more late.

You sighed, staying sat down in your chair as you watched everyone leave the classroom.

All thanks to waking up late, and getting stopped by Ajax. You had now had to deal with a detention.

You put your head in your hands and closed your eyes. This was the last thing you needed today.

The whole time you had detention, you were getting lectured by the teacher about how you needed to show up on time.

"Alright your dismissed, don't let this happen again." The teacher said, pointing her index finger at you.

"Yes miss." You fake smiled and took your things before leaving the classroom.

To your surprise, someone had been waiting for you outside the room.
"Hi." He smiled.

You expected it to be Ajax, but it was none other than Xavier.

"Oh hi Xavier." You replied, as he started to walk with you down the hall.

𝗪𝗘𝗗𝗡𝗘𝗦𝗗𝗔𝗬 𝗜𝗠𝗔𝗚𝗜𝗡𝗘𝗦 ➪Where stories live. Discover now