𝙬𝙚𝙙𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙙𝙖𝙮 𝙖𝙙𝙙𝙖𝙢𝙨 › upset

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Wednesday wasn't used to relationships, but when she met you that all changed. She fell in love with you instantly, yet she still won't admit it.

She found herself wanting to protect you. And that if anyone hurt you, she would do the same to them or far worse.

She also found herself getting jealous easily, it was an unusual feeling for her.

Whenever someone got close to you, she would feel herself tense up. As she would stare at the person, wanting to pull them away from you.

The problem was, you and Wednesday were in a secret relationship. It was only because Wednesday didn't want people thinking, that she had a soft side.

It made her feel a little annoyed, as she couldn't act if someone got too close to you.

But Wednesday was always happy, when it was just the two of you alone. That's when she could do, whatever she wanted.


The sun was out, as the wind blew.

Wednesday was currently sitting on a bench, observing you from far away. You were laughing, and talking with Enid. She felt frustrated, watching as Enid got closer to you.

Why did life have to be like this?

Wednesday stopped herself from walking over, when she saw Enid grab your hand. Still, she trusted you... just maybe not Enid.

That's when you looked in her direction, as you flashed her a smile. Wednesday felt her insides warm up, but didn't smile back.

"Hey." Xavier said, sitting down next to Wednesday.

"Hello there." She muttered back.

Xavier looked in the direction that Wednesday was, and chuckled.
"They would be a cute couple." He smiled, starting at you and Enid laughing together.

Wednesday glanced at him, feeling herself getting annoyed.

"Mm." She hummed, not looking at him. 

"I guess they wouldn't be bad.. together." Wednesday said, as she felt pain her chest.

She knew that Xavier would be suspicious, if she hadn't say anything.

He nodded and patted her arm.
"well, see you later then." Xavier said, before standing up and walking away.

When Wednesday looked back at you. She couldn't stare at the sight anymore, it made her too unhappy.

Instead, she decided to walk back to your shared dorm. Maybe writing for a while, will make her feel better.


It had been a few hours, the time had flown by as Wednesday had written the whole time.

The door soon flew open, as you walked in before shutting it behind you.

"Hey." You smiled, and wrapped your arms around Wednesday from behind. She hummed in response, not bothering to look at you.

You immediately felt like something was wrong. And removed your arms, stepping away.

"What happened?" You asked.

"Nothing you need to worry about." Wednesday answered, continuing to use her typewriter.

You walked over to lean back on her desk, as you crossed your arms.
"Wednesday.." you whisper, looking down at her.

Eventually, she stopped and looked up at you.
"I don't like it."

"What?" You asked.

"How close you get to people, especially Enid." She explained, averting her gaze from you.

"Well.." you sighed. "Enid's only a friend, and she always gets close to everyone.. if that makes you feel any better."

"It doesn't. And not to Xavier, he thinks you'd be a good couple." Wednesday muttered, rolling her eyes.

"He said that?" You asked.

"Mhm." She hummed.

"..I know we are in a secret relationship. But i find myself getting annoyed, every time someone touches you." Wednesday said, standing up from her chair.

"I don't know.. you wanted to keep it private. You can always change your mind." You smiled, as she took a step towards you.

"I don't want people thinking.. that i have a soft side." Wednesday muttered, frowning.

"Hey, we both know how tough you are. I doubt anyone will think that, people are scared to even talk to you." You said, the last part making wednesday smile.

"Your right, plus I'd actually get to touch you." She smirked. Sliding her hand on top of yours, on the desk.

"Yep." You chuckled as Wednesday leaned forwards, pressing her lips against yours. You closed your eyes and kissed her back. Her hands going to your waist, wanting to pull you closer.

When you needed to catch your breath, you broke the kiss.

"So what do you say?" You smiled, biting your lip.

"Fine.." wednesday whispered before kissing you again.

𝗪𝗘𝗗𝗡𝗘𝗦𝗗𝗔𝗬 𝗜𝗠𝗔𝗚𝗜𝗡𝗘𝗦 ➪Where stories live. Discover now