𝙙𝙞𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙖 › trust

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You didn't have anything special, you weren't a siren or a vampire. And you weren't known for having anything, that's why you didn't really know how you ended up at nevermore.

But either way, people judged the students here too quickly. They were just like everybody else, with extra traits.

You had made friends at nevermore fairly fast, it was just like any other school to you. As there was groups with certain types of people.

But when you met Divina, your whole world changed.

She was different than the others, she actually understood you. The two of you had quite a few things in common, accept for her being a siren.

You loved so many things about her, she had a good sense of humour and always looked out for you.

One thing you noticed though, was how Divina was insecure. Whenever she passed a mirror, she took a few seconds to look at herself.

That's when she would frown at what she saw, and would try fix herself up.

To you, she was the most beautiful person you had ever laid your eyes on. You just wished she saw herself in your eyes.

Even though your relationship was decent, there were also bad parts.

Fighting being one of them. When the two of you argued, it could go on for hours. Until one of you got mad enough to storm out of the room.

Neither of you knew how they started, but it was always small things that set them off. People were even surprised by it.

Divina's insecureness, also lead to her getting jealous easily.

She would assume things about you, just because you were laughing with someone. The last thing you would do though, was to cheat on her.

But you didn't get the point in cheating, if you didn't want to be with the person then why not break up? It would save a lot of crying and broken hearts.


You were currently walking back to your dorm, it was like yours and Divinas meeting spot. Plus it was more private, which you liked.

As you walked up the stairs, you met someone half way.

"Hey." Wednesday said, with her usual blank stare.

"Hi." You smiled.

Before you could go anywhere, she grabbed your arm. "I need your help."

You raised an eyebrow as she pulled you in closer. "What is it?" You asked.

"It's about the monster I was telling you about. Just meet me at my dorm in an hour. But, don't tell anyone about it." Wednesday whispered in your ear.

She soon let go of you and went on her way.

You were still confused on what it was about. Yet if it was about the Hyde, you'd have to help. Too many students had gotten killed by that thing, it was terrifying.

Students were even scared to walk around school alone, because they thought that they'd get injured in some way.

When you eventually found your room, you were surprised to see that it had already been unlocked.

As you opened the door, you were already preparing yourself. Thinking that you were about to be attacked, you relaxed when you saw someone on your bed.

"Finally, what took you so long." She smiled, sitting up from your bed.

"How'd you get in?" You asked.

"Spare key." Divina smirked, showing the key in her hands.

You nodded as she walked up to you, before you closed the space between the two of you. Your lips landed on hers in a short kiss, as your hands found their way to her waist.

𝗪𝗘𝗗𝗡𝗘𝗦𝗗𝗔𝗬 𝗜𝗠𝗔𝗚𝗜𝗡𝗘𝗦 ➪Where stories live. Discover now