𝙩𝙮𝙡𝙚𝙧 𝙜𝙖𝙡𝙥𝙞𝙣 › jealous

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It was getting late, and you decided to go and see your boyfriend at the coffee shop. But when you walked in, you saw wednesday sitting down.. with Tyler.

You didn't want to think much of it, but you couldn't stop the rage of jealously burning in your chest.  Nothing was even happening, they were just having a normal conversation.

You trusted Tyler. So you didn't know where this, random jealously was coming from. He soon noticed you though and smiled. Wednesday turned to look at you, but it was just a blank stare.

There conversation soon ended, as they both stood up. Tyler was smiling at her, in a way that made you feel unease. She didn't smile back though. Instead, she passed him a note.

This made you feel even more anxious, but you didn't want to show it. It just seemed a little.. suspicious.

You were so stuck in your own thoughts, that you didn't even notice her leaving and Tyler walking over to you. 

"Hey." He smiled and leaned down, pulling you into a kiss.

"Hi." You replied, pulling away.

Tyler already sensed that something was wrong, but decided not to say anything.

"Do you wanna go to my house? It's getting kind of late." He asked. He was right, it was already getting dark outside.



You were currently in Tyler's car, as he was driving you to his house. You had been silent since you had gotten into the car. And it was too obvious now, that something was wrong.

"Y/n.. what's wrong?" Tyler's voice cut through the silence.

"Nothing is wrong." You replied, looking out of the window.

"Well clearly there is, because you look upset." He turned to look at you for a moment, before facing the road again.

"I'm fine." You said sternly. Not wanting to admit how you felt earlier.

"Your not." He sighed.

But after a couple of minutes, it finally clicked in his head.

"Are you upset because I was talking with Wednesday?" He asked.

Your eyes widened as you shook your head, "nope."

"Y/n.. come on. You know I can tell when your lying to me." Tyler reminded you.

"Look. It's stupid and i don't wanna talk about it." You crossed your arms against your chest, as Tyler drove into the driveway.

"Y/n.." he whispered, as you shook your head.

"It doesn't matter, Tyler." You said before opening the car door.

You walked up to his front door, as Tyler got out of the car and walked over to you.

He looked at you for a second, wanting to say something. But instead, he went to unlock the front door.

As you stepped inside, you took off your shoes and walked upstairs. Not looking at Tyler at all.
You hated this feeling in your chest, you didn't want to be jealous. It made you feel insecure.

"Y/n." You heard Tyler shout from behind you, as he had followed you upstairs.

"What?" You replied, sitting on his bed.

"Are you jealous?" He asked, looking down at you.

You averted your gaze from him, not saying a word.
"I just.. it's not like I don't trust you. I just felt it, when i saw you and her together." You sighed and looked down at your hands.

"Y/n. Nothing is going on between me and her." Tyler reassured you.

"I know that. That's why I'm upset, with myself." You whispered.

Tyler took a seat next to you, and put one of his hands in yours.

"But.. why did she give you a note?" You asked and he sighed.

"She was asking me questions, and asked if I could meet her tomorrow. The note was just a reminder." He explained.

"Oh.." you nodded.

"Y/n.. she just wants to hangout, nothings going to happen." Tyler tried to assure you.

It was silent again for a moment.

"I know saying this won't change anything. But I love you. Your beautiful and smart. And nothing will ever change that. Wednesday, is just a friend." He smiled at you, and you turned to look at him.

You nodded as you held back tears.
"I love you too."

"Y/n.." he whispered and wrapped an arm around you.

"Your all I want." He smiled and kissed your cheek.

As you turned to face him, his face was only inches away from yours. And your lips were already on his. He pulled you in more as he wrapped his arm around your waist. As he rested his hand on your back.

With this, your hands went to his hair. And all the feelings you had felt, were slowly fading away. It felt so good to be in his arms, he made you feel safe.

As you pulled away, he kept you in his arms and rested his forehead against yours.

"Your beautiful."

𝗪𝗘𝗗𝗡𝗘𝗦𝗗𝗔𝗬 𝗜𝗠𝗔𝗚𝗜𝗡𝗘𝗦 ➪Where stories live. Discover now