𝙖𝙟𝙖𝙭 𝙥𝙚𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙥𝙤𝙡𝙪𝙨 › stars

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The night was cold, as you had just finished getting ready. You couldn't help but smile.

Yesterday, Ajax had asked you out on a date. It surprised you, because he never showed any signs that he was interested.

You had liked him for months, so you couldn't wait to spend time with him.

When you opened your dorm door, you looked both ways. It was after curfew. And if a teacher saw you, you'd be in big trouble.

But thankfully, no one was there. So you shut the door and started to walk through the halls. Your footsteps were loud against the floor, which made you cringe.

You started to feel anxious, and looked around you. There was still no one about.

You eventually made it to his dorm. And knocked on his door. The handle soon turned and he appeared, you felt your heart stop when you saw him.

"Y/n..." he whispered.

"Hey." You smiled.

He shut the door behind him and looked down at you.
"Here." He had a yellow rose in his hand, as he passed it to you.

"Thank you." You felt your heats cheek up, and averted your gaze.

"Come on."

Ajax looked down at your hand, before moving his to intertwine his fingers with yours. He soon started to walk off, dragging you with him.

You were walking for a while, until he suddenly stopped.

"What?" You whispered.

He turned his head around the corner, and put his finger to his lips. You decided to look this time, to see a teacher patrolling through the halls.

After a moment, Ajax finally got the courage to move when the teacher wasn't looking. As he quickly grabbed your hand and pulled you along.

You both laughed and he squeezed your hand, which made your heart race.


"Finally made it." He sighed and let go off your hand, before laying down on the grass.

He had taken you to the park, as you looked up at the night sky. The stars were out and the moon looked bright.

You took a seat next to him, as he looked up at you.

"Your so beautiful.." he whispered, and you quickly looked away. You felt your cheeks heat up, as you heard Ajax chuckle.

You eventually forced yourself to look at him, and smiled. "Thank you.. your not too bad yourself."

"Come on.. lay down."He smirked and pulled your arm.

You rolled your eyes before laying down beside him, as you looked right up at the stars.

You felt the grass beneath you, and turned your head to gaze at Ajax. He looked so pretty, as he observed the stars.

He soon noticed and looked at you. He smirked at you, and moved his hand before sliding his hand on top of yours. You felt shivers from his touch, as he interlinked your fingers.

Ajax started to lean closer, closing the proximity between you two. His eyes gazed down to your lips, as he cupped your cheek with his hand.

"Ajax.." you whispered.

"Shh.." he pressed his lips against yours, and moved his other hand to your waist. The kiss deepened as you closed your eyes.

Excitement was running through you, as you wrapped your hands around his neck.

He sighed in relief against your lips, and pulled away for air. He rested his head against yours, looking deep into your eyes.
"You don't know how long... I've wanted to do that."

You smiled and kissed him again, feeling happiness rise inside of you.

"We should probably head back." You said.

"Let's just stay here for a few more minutes.." Ajax whispered. And wrapped his arm around you, pulling you in closer.

𝗪𝗘𝗗𝗡𝗘𝗦𝗗𝗔𝗬 𝗜𝗠𝗔𝗚𝗜𝗡𝗘𝗦 ➪Where stories live. Discover now