𝙭𝙖𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧𝙥𝙚 › relief

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You cursed in your mind when you had woken up, today was just like any other. You having to force yourself out of bed, and drag yourself to class.

Yet, Xavier was always at your door. Calling your name so he could make sure you were awake, there had been plenty of times were you had overslept.

It was just hard for you to get up, when your bed was so comfortable to be in.

"Y/n!" Xavier called, knocking on your door.

"Yeah I'm coming!" You shouted back, quickly grabbing your bag and opening the door.

There you were faced with the familiar boy, as he had a stupid smirk on his face.
"Okay come on." You said.

As you grabbed his arm and dragged him down the hallways with you.
"So.. did you do the homework?" He asked.

"What homework?" You muttered, turning to him in surprise.

"The one that Ms Thornhill set- you didn't did you?" He chuckled.

You slapped Xavier's arm playfully before pulling your hand away from him.
"What was it anyways?"

"A presentation." He said, which made you stop in your tracks.

"Well then, I might go back to my dorm. Act like I'm sick or something." You smiled and waved to him.

But as you went to turn around, Xavier soon caught your arm in his hand.
"Your not going anywhere, and besides everyone's seen you now."

You sighed and tried to tug away from him, still Xavier's grip was too strong. You soon ended up giving up, letting him walk you to class.

"It's fine, just say I didn't do it." He smirked.

"It's not that easy- I've literally seen her scream at students." You frowned, as you looked around.

You knew you should've stayed in bed, right now you could've been on your phone and relaxed.
But your heart was racing, as you started to get even more nervous.

You didn't understand the other students, who didn't even care if they got in trouble. Yet maybe you were just sensitive.

Xavier noticed the look in your eyes, and he interlinked his fingers with yours before squeezing your hand in a reassuring manner.

"Hey.. don't worry." He assured you.

You weren't listening to him though, you were too busy focusing on the teacher. Just hoping that she wouldn't bring up the presentation.

As you were sat down in your chair, your leg bounced beneath the desk.

You weren't a stranger to anxiety, but the last thing you wanted to do was to talk in front of the whole class.

"So presentations! Who should go first.." Ms Thornhill trailed off.

She scanned around the classroom, looking at everyone's faces. You tried to hide your own, as you pretended to write something down.

"Y/n!" She called out, which made everyone turn to look at you.

You didn't like the sudden attention, as you started to feel uncomfortable in your chair.
"I didn't do it-" You spoke up.

"Oh well just- improvise." She smiled with her white teeth.

"I-" You fell silent, and turned to glance at Xavier.

He just shrugged, not knowing how to help you. You stood up from your chair, now everyone was seriously staring at you.

You gulped and sighed, grabbing your book to find just something.

Yet it was hopeless, your thoughts were loud as the students started to whisper things to each other.

Your heart was pounding against your chest. When you looked at the door, you quickly picked up your bag and ran out of the room.

As you shut the door behind you, you rested your back against it.

An intense emotion started to come over you, as your chest felt tight. You rested your hand on your heart, feeling your rapid heartbeat.

Everything happened so fast yet so slowly.

The door you were leaning on, was trying to get opened as you moved away.

Xavier was on the other side, and he immediately noticed that something was wrong with you.
"Hey, hey. It's just a stupid presentation."

You shook your head and started to look around. You blinked multiples times, trying to bare your surroundings.

Your head felt dizzy, so you rested your hand on the wall for support.

To add on, your breathing began to quicken even more. And it didn't take long for Xavier to realise that you were having a panic attack.

He was already prepared to catch you, as he had his arms held out.

"I'm fine.." Your mouth felt dry, and you looked up at Xavier.

There was fear in his eyes, it was like he didn't know what to do. But neither did you, you did have panic attacks in the past.

Yet, you weren't always the best with dealing with them.

You went into Xavier's embrace, and rested your head on his chest.
"It's okay.. just breathe." He whispered.

His voice felt so soothing, as he gently rubbed your back.
"I'm here."

Your hold on him tightened, you could barely control your breathing.

Xavier put his hand over your chin, to make you look at him. "Just breathe." He murmured.

You nodded and closed your eyes, as you listened to Xavier's calm heartbeat. You payed attention to his slow breathing, and decided to go the same pace.

After a while, you had finally rided out the sudden attack.

"Are you okay now?" He asked, cupping your cheek with his hand.

His hand felt warm against your skin, and you leaned into his touch. You didn't say anything, as you silently nodded.

"I need you to use words, sweetheart." He chuckled.

"Yes." You smiled weakly and gazed up at him.

He leaned down until his face was only inches from yours, as he sighed against your lips. You couldn't take it.

You pressed your lips against his in a passionate kiss, soon wrapping your arms around his neck. He didn't hesitate to kiss back, while moving his hands to your back.

It brought comfort being in his arms, he made you feel safe and secure.

"Wanna head back to my dorm?" He asked, as he kissed your nose.

You felt yourself blush at the action, and was dazed for a moment.

"Alright, thank you."

"It's my pleasure." He winked, and brought your hand up to his lips to kiss it.

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