𝙮𝙤𝙠𝙤 𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙠𝙖 › panic

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You sighed as you walked out of class. Your teacher had just reminded you about your exam tomorrow, that you hadn't revised for at all. You knew that you were going to fail.

You walked through the halls of nevermore, wanting to get back to your dorm as soon as possible. You held back your tears, as thoughts rushed through your head.

People looked at you, as you passed classrooms and teachers.

Your heart started to race, and you noticed your breath becoming more frequent. You finally made it to your dorm and opened the door, before slamming it shut behind you.

Yoko wasn't in the room as you sat down on your bed, you looked down at your hands as they started to shake. It was getting harder to breathe, and tears started to fall.

But you heard a voice through all the noise.
"Y/n?" Yoko said from behind the door.

You couldn't respond, you clutched onto your chest as it started to hurt. Yoko sensed something was wrong, and soon opened the door. She froze when she saw you, and quickly shut the door.

"Hey, hey, hey." She said, running over to your side. She pressed a hand on your arm and looked at you.

"I'm here for you.." she whispered, wrapping an arm around you gently. You gazed at her through your tears, and she grabbed your shaking hand. Intertwining her fingers with your own.

"My throat feels so tight.." you murmured.

"Concentrate on your breathing" she said, showing you by breathing slower. "In and out, through your nose and out your mouth." Yoko smiled, watching you carefully.

You started to copy her, and found yourself starting to breath a little better after a while.
"Good, tell me what you need." She asked.

"C-can I have some water." You answered, still focusing on your breathing. Yoko nodded and released her arm from you, and stood up before grabbing her water bottle.

She sat back down and passed it to you. You soon unscrewed the lid, and took a few sips. Your body started to feel more relaxed, as you closed your eyes.

Yoko moved her arm back around you, and grabbed your hand again. Running her thumb over your knuckles, and kissed your cheek.

"What happened?" She asked, giving you a few seconds to calm down.

"I'm going to fail my exams, and my parents are going to kill me. And I'll never-" you paused, as your eyes soon started to water again.

"Hey.. don't talk like that. You are not going to fail your exams, your one of the smartest people i know." Yoko tried to assure you.

You looked at her and nodded.
"It's just.. I haven't revised at all. I completely forgot about it." You whispered, and wiped the tears from your eyes.

"You'll be fine. If you want, we can study a bit now. But I've seen you in class, you always know the answer. And you always get good scores." Yoko said, but you weren't looking at her.

"Y/n." She called, and put her hand under your chin. She turned your head so you were looking at her, and smiled.

"Don't worry about it. Your going to do amazing." She told you, caressing your cheek with her hand.

You closed your eyes at the sensation, and Yoko leaned forward. She pressed her lips against yours, and put a hand on your thigh.

Eventually, she pulled away and moved her forehead against yours.
"I'm always here for you.. okay?" She said, waiting for you to respond.

You nodded and she pulled you into a hug, before running a hand through your hair.

𝗪𝗘𝗗𝗡𝗘𝗦𝗗𝗔𝗬 𝗜𝗠𝗔𝗚𝗜𝗡𝗘𝗦 ➪Where stories live. Discover now