𝙚𝙣𝙞𝙙 𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙡𝙖𝙞𝙧 › protect

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Enid cared about a lot of people, including you. She'd often put others before herself and you loved her for that.

But one thing you hated, was how she got picked on. And it was only because she hadn't transitioned into a werewolf. 

And being in a school full of judgemental people was hard. Rumours came around quick, definitely when you and Enid got together.

Everyone started talking about you, you didn't really see the big deal in it though. I mean.. where people lives here that boring?

The one thing that really annoyed Enid though, was Yoko.

You knew that Yoko liked you, she had made it quite obvious. Whenever you were around her, she'd do anything to impress you.

Enid couldn't stand her, and she knew that Yoko was doing it on purpose.

You thought that Yoko was a pretty girl, but you had given her so many signs that you weren't interested.

She took the hint, yet still bothered you daily. Other students thought that you liked the attention.

But you didn't, it's tiring after having a vampire follow you around for weeks.

When you tried to bring up the subject to Enid, she'd shut it off. Not wanting to talk about her, which was understandable.


Enid was walking to class, the last one of the day in-fact.

She was already mentally drained from her recent classes, the day has gone by too slowly. When she opened the door to biology, she recognised a familiar face.

Yoko was laughing with her friends, as the teacher was absent.

She shook her head and walked to her seat, trying to block Yoko out. But she couldn't help but eavesdrop.

"Me personally, I don't think Enid and Y/n will last long. Im surprised y/n went for her in the first place, she's a complete freak."
Yoko said, talking to her friend while looking straight at Enid.

Enid was used to Yokos insulting, yet the words were still as sharp as a knife. She tried to keep her tears in and looked down at her book.

After a moment, the teacher walked in and everyone went silent. She kept repeating Yokos words in her head.

'She's a complete freak'  'they won't last long'

A tear fell down on Enid's book, and she soon wiped her eyes.

All she wanted to do was to leave and go to your dorm. She just wanted to spend time with you, and forget about the real world.

"Okay.. well class dismissed." The teacher announced, which made Enid lift her head up.

She quickly grabbed her books and shoved them into her bag, before standing up. Enid managed to avoid another one of Yokos remarks as she left the room.

Her emotions were all over the place, she just needed to be in your arms again.

Enid ended up running back to your room, but when she unlocked the door you weren't there. She shut the door behind her and collapsed on your bed.

As she cried into your pillow, letting all her feelings out.

She had no idea where you were, but couldn't be bothered to check. She was tired and needed rest.


A few hours had passed, and you still were nowhere to be seen.

𝗪𝗘𝗗𝗡𝗘𝗦𝗗𝗔𝗬 𝗜𝗠𝗔𝗚𝗜𝗡𝗘𝗦 ➪Where stories live. Discover now