00: Normal Day?

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Lets just say today is a stressing day my dear, dear cousin Wednesday is coming tomorrow and I am about to have and heart-attack what were my parents thinking telling me she was going to share a dorm with Enid Sinclair. She is the most colorful and talkative person I have ever met.

"Whats on your mind darling" Theo says putting his arm around my shoulder and I roll my eyes, him and his nicknames this is why I don't get a boyfriend.

"Wednesday is going to kill the little wolf literally" I say a frown on my face.

"Don't worry Lily" Tulip says kissing my cheek, she is another reason I can't date anyone.

"Yeah and if she does kill her you will have a new wolf fur coat" Theo jokes, but I smack his arm not thinking its not very funny.

"Not funny Theodore I do not want a pink fur coat I prefer a siren scale bag" I say back jokingly but I get a head smack from someone behind us. "Sorry Kent" I say bringing my hands up in surrender not wanting to be drowned be the long haired siren.

"You better be or I'll cut your hair in the middle of the night" He says leaving to hang out with Bianca.

"I can't wait to meet your cousin I bet she will be terrifying knowing your mom" Tulip says and I laugh at her "Thank god she is not your cousin from your dad side, he scares the shit out of me"

"Well that is his job darling, he is the boogie man" Theo says ruffling up Tulips hair cousin her to squeal.

"Here you go" I say giving her my compact mirror, she grabs it fixing her hair frantically trying her best to not let anyone see her. You see (I am not dhar man) we are kind popular like there is Bianca and like 0.1 below her is us. "Don't worry you look great"

"Thank you so much I love you" She says kissing my cheek again leaving another lipstick mark on my cheek. We sit down on the fountain next to Bianca "Hello Bianca how are you?"

"Good, how about you Tulip?" Bianca asks back, Bianca was not mean just a bit misunderstood and she is a bit mean.

"Good I am so excited for Addams to come here, I heard she killed a guy at her old school" Tulip gossips I roll my eyes, he only lost one ball, it's not like he died.

"No offense Lily but your family is fucked up" Davina says playing with water of the fountain.

"Tell me about it, a boogie man dad a witch mom and a psycho uncle, aunt and cousin, poor pugsley" I rant playing with my powers "Anyways when are we having a meeting?" I ask, you guessed it I am a Nightshade and its one of the best decisions I have ever made.

"I don't know I want another mojito" Theo says "How is Yoko so good?"

"Ay that is my girlfriend" Davina says but we all ignored her.

"I know right they are killer" Kent says from his laying position on the floor. I look over at my left and see Xavier painting the wall blue, I wonder what he is painting.

"You won't believe who's bed I ended up yesterday, Rowan" I say covering my mouth cause I was laughing so much.

"You are shitting me right?" Kent says rolling on the ground from the laughter.

"Rowan, like rowan we kicked out?" Davina asks her mouth fell open form surprise.

"Yeah i do not know how I even ended up there like did I do parkour or something" I say utterly confused how I ended up on his room.

"But, how was he?" Tulip asks and I almost fall into the fountain form her question.

"I am not answering that" I say looking at her confused.

"Oh come on, darling we all know if he wasn't good she would have not mentioned it" Theo says and I push him off the fountain.

"Shut up at least I dint sleep with my teacher twice once in a PUBLIC pool" I say back making everyone laugh and he goes red.

"That was once and its not like when Kent tried to sleep with a faceless guy and complained he didn't talk" Theo says pointing at Kent that put his hand on his heart scoffing.

"Ok want to play like that at-least I didn't sleep with Yoko got a paper cut and made her almost bite her neck open, right Davina?" Kent asks, wow that was hard.

"Ok, at least I didn't sleep with a 40 year old man with a wife, right Tulip?" Davina says and me mouth opens up even more.

"I did not know he was married I just knew he had a ring but ok, at least I didn't... sleep with my friends older brother and I had to walk in on that, right Bianca?" Tulip asks narrowing her eyes at Bianca.

"Ok want to play like that, at-least I didn't sleep with a another witch and almost cursed him while screaming his name, Right Lily?" Bianca says and my mouth goes even wider and then we were all screaming at each other. This is why they are my friends but that mad me glance over at Xavier who was glancing at us but, I chose to ignore it.


I was in my dorm playing with my magic jet like a tennis ball when my phone rang I thought it was going to be mother but it was Jamie so I answered and heard his shake breath which alerted me very much.

"Jamie whats wrong?" Ask in a rushed town very much worried about him.

"I don't want father to know I am crying he said crying is for weak people" He says and my hart sinks, I wish I could hug him.

"That is because father is a psycho you are 13 cry if you feel like it" I say in a soft tone trying my best to calm him down.

"I feel like I can't breathe"


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