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"I feel like I can't breathe" When I heard that I panicked even more.

"Ok breathe in and out with me, ok?" I hear him whisper an ok so I start breathing in and out slowly and he followed suit. "Ok is anyone home right now?"

"No, mom is eating dinner with her friends, Alexa is out shopping and dad is at work" He tells me.

"They left you home alone?" I asked confused, they would have never left me alone at his age.

"No I was out with friends when this started so I went home" He explains and I nod my head trying my best to think of something to do.

"Uhm ok go to my room" I go quiet for a moment when I hear him move "Ok go to the bathroom look under the sink" He follows me instructions "Now you see that random tube of hair gel"

"yeah I see it" He says trough heavy breathes.

"Open twist it open" I hear him do and make a sound of confusion "Ok take one of pills out and swallow it dry ok" I hear him do it "Now it should take effect now so go to your bed lay down for a moment and try to relax, if it docent work call me or mom, ok?"

"Ok thanks Lily" He says and I hear his foot steps letting me let out a breath I dint know I was holding.

"No problem bud ok good night" I say imaging up, is this a sign that something is going to go wrong tomorrow? I am just being paranoid.


Today when I woke up I was not excited, lets just say me and Wednesday done have the best relationship cause we are really opposite. But I have to get ready now to be the first to welcome them at the entrance.

When I got downstairs I saw the iconic black limousine that I have seen for years the iconic family that is in black and white. They get out the car Morticia and Gomez first smelling the air and then there was Pugsley and Wednesday later.

"Aunt Morticia, Uncle Gomez welcome" I say in a dry tone but even though my ton they came up to me smothering me in hugs and kisses.

"Oh my dear niece you have grown so much" Morticia says I just stare at her blankly.

"Yeah that is what happens in almost 2 years" I say a bit of anger in my voice "Please come in" I say going inside. Walking them to the office the whole time Morticia and Gomez talking the whole time. "Here it is Pugsley has to stay outside with me" I say and they all go inside.

"How have you been cousin?" Pugsley asks shyly and I smile at his shyness.

"Good just normal I guess, how about you?" I ask leaning against the wall.

"Good" He says simply the awkwardness was cut off by Theo and Tulip coming in.

"Who is this handsome boy" Tulip says kissing my cheek, Theo coming to my other side.

"Guys this is Pugsley my cousin Wednesday is inside with Weems" I say smiling at them the awkwardness all of a sudden disappearing.

"I can't wait to meet her, right Theo?" Tulips asks a Theo who was admiring her.

"What? oh yeah" Theo says snapping out his trance making me laugh.

"I think he was preoccupied looking at someone" I tease earning my a slap on the back of the head by Theo.

After a few minutes Wednesday finally comes out.

"Morticia Gomez this are Theo Jameson and Tulip Roseta" Weems says pointing at both my friends.

"They look exactly like their parents" Morticia says making me look at her confused.

"Anyways lets go look at ur room, what do you say? Theo may you take the little Addams outside please" Weems says Theo nods kissing me and Tulips cheeks before leaving but I noticed Tulips little blush.

After a little while of walking we finally got to Ophelia Hall but before we entered Tulip baled on me so I had to struggle with this alone. As soon as we entered Morticia gasped

"Its so... vivid" Gomez says looking around confused. Enid turned around walking over to Wednesday. She inhaled deeply before talking.

"Howdy Roomy" Enid says a smile on her face.

"Wednesday, this is your roommate Enid Sinclair" Weems says.

"Are you feeling ok?" Enid asks very confused and worried "You look a little pale" She says pointing to her own face.

"Wednesday always looks half-dead" I say glaring onto Wednesday back.

"Oh" Enid says weirded out "Welcome to Ophelia Hall" Enid says with open arms but when she tried to hug her Wednesday stepped back "Not a hugger. Got it" Enid says stepping abit back herself.

"Please excuse Wednesday, she's allergic to color" Morticia says smiling down at Wednesday.

"Oh, wow" Enid says surprised making me look at her confused "What happens to you?" Enid asks concerned.

"I brake out into hives and then the flesh peels of my bones" Wednesday says flatly, dramatic bitch nothing happens she just does not like it.

"Luckily, we've special ordered you a uniform" Weems chuckles cutting the tension in the room "Enid, Lilith please take Wednesday to the registrar's office to pick it up along with her schedule and give her a tour along the way" she continues Wednesday turns around to her parents glaring at them before leaving.

Why is she so dramatic, me and enid look at each other before following her out. I smile knowing Morticia and Gomez must be confused or not I do not care.


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