16: Rane'N

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Today was the Rave'N, me and Enid were getting ready at my dorm I was helping her install the pink wig I gave her on her birthday.

"You look great" Enid says as we stand up, I grab my fur jacket.

"Go get your normie date" I jokingly say walking out the room going over to the entrance waiting for Ajax when he finally comes he looked great.

"You look great Lily" He says and I grab his arm that he had extended for me.

"You too Ajax" O tell him as we pass Miss Thorn-Hill she talks.

"Love the dress Lilith, have a dance for me" She exclaims and me and Ajax laugh.

"Will do Miss Thorn-Hill" Ajax screams back laughing. As we are walking to our table we spot Enid on her KNEES in front of the normie kid.

"Enid?" Ajax asks looking back at her frowning. "I thought that was you, is that your date?"

She stands up quickly holding her hand together. The normie looked scared specially when I was glaring at him. I hope he rember es my threat. We really do have a dirty mind.

"Yea, and he's having the best time with me. We are both loving the dance... together" Enid says a fake smile on her face, Ajax nods sadly.

"Sweet" he simply says and he starts leaving.

"You look great Enid" I tell her before following after Ajax.

"She would never you know?" Ajax asks and I think for a moment.

"Not in this public setting, and she really likes you why would she downgrade to a normie" I tell him and he nods. "Forget about live today is about having fun"

"Yeah forget live today" he nods and we walk over to Xavier and Bianca, before we could reach them I see Wednesday walking in.

"Omg my cousin looks gorgeous!" I exclaim and Ajax looks at the direction I was looking at, but, why is she with the Galpin boy?

We walk over to Bianca and Xavier and a grab onto the back of Bianca's chair for support from the high heels I am wearing.

"Yo, check it out" Ajax says and Bianca stands up smiling at Xavier. Everyone stops and stares at Wednesday who looked great and her date not so much. "Wednesday totally busted out of her cocoon"

"She looks great!" I squeal and Bianca and Xavier glare at me "what ever I am leaving both of you, stop being jealous because she is pretty" I say walking over too Kent and Davina who where whispering.

"Do you see Bianca's face?" Davina asks looking over at Bianca, making me laugh at her mad face looking at Wednesday.

"She's not going to be happy" Kent says laughing at her.

"Don't be mean Kent, it is not her fault her ex is in love with my cousin" I say sarcastically, trying to hide the fact I am jealous of how he looks at her.

"I like we didn't notice your staring" Davina says and I blush lightly.

"I am going to grab a drink" I say avoiding the situation the best I could, guess Wednesday had the Sam sides cause we met each other at the punch area.

"OMG! I live the look" Enid says and I nod.

"You look great" I tell her smiling. But I still noticed Xavier's staring that made me tune out their conversation, why is he so interested in Wednesday? She does not show him any time of affection.

"The medical kind" I Hera her say.

"Oh I brought my katana don't try anything on Enid" I say joining in on the threatening. They leave but before Wednesday could bring the drink to Tyler Xavier gets in the way.

"Can't believe you brought him" Xavier says looking over at Tyler.

"What re you bringing this up?" Wednesday asks and Xavier looks at me for approval and I give him a nod, she should know... "As if this dance weren't tedious enough"

"Because you don't know what he did to me and Lilith" He says and Wednesday glances at me.

"I can't be here bye" I say not liking to talk about it.

I walk to the dance floor and I am dancing with Ajax, next to Davina, Yoko, Kent, Enid and Alex? The normie.

"Get it Kent!" I scream as he does the worm when he finishes he blows me a kiss and I act like a grab it.

As Wednesday starts dancing some people look at her weirdly but that just 80s goth dancing I don't see anything weird. Kent starts spinning Davina around making he laugh.

"Ajax can we sit I am so tired" I tell him holding onto his arm cause my feet hurt so much.

"Of corse your feet are about to fall off" He laughs taking us to the table Xavier and Bianca were sat at. Or at least Xavier now that Bianca left.

"You look like the guy from KFC" I say laughing at Xavier's outfit. "Ajax give me your vest" I say and he frowns at me.

"Ok?" He says taking it off.

"Xavier love take off that horrible shirt and put this vest on"Xavier come here" I say and he frowns and says what I told him to do.

I take off his jacket and the little tie. When I start undoing some of the bottoms. "Ok done na d stop frowning it gives you wrinkles" I say slapping his face slightly.

And I go back to dancing with my friends having a good night. I was dancing with Kent. Then I see Xavier on the dance floor so I go over to him dragging him with the rest of us dancing.

"Smile a bit darling it's a good night" I scream through the music.

"Sorry it's just-" I cut him off by spinning him.

"No love today just fun" I say as Dua lips comes on and we all scream.

"Ok fine" he says finally dancing with the rest of us. Kent grabs me as we dance together.

"He looked at you like a total snack" Kent whispers in my ear and I laugh.

"He is just my friend Kent" I say still dancing.

"Whatever you say" he says still dancing. It was a good night and it felt like nothing could ruin it.

That was until I felt something drop on my face my and Kent stopped dancing looking down at each other noticing the splashes of red flowing out the sprinklers.

"Ew is this blood" I exclaim and me and Kent gran I to each other running away. "This dress in vintage I can't get it dirty" I exclaim and Kent takes off his jacket putting it over me.

As Davina and Yoko drag us away. But we all slip. Due to all the water building up. I stand up dragging Kent on the floor away.


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