30: Miss Thorn-Hill

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After going to Weems I left quickly, I am tired of this school and this year. I lay on my bed I feel so overwhelmed and just when everything was going well Wednesday had to ruin everything and that was yesterday and today the Nightshades decided to give a good goodbye to Wednesday... not that she deserves it.

"Calm down before you hex someone" Ajax whispers in my ear rubbing my back.

"She deserves it" I say in between gritted teeth.

"I am not saying she doesn't, but don't make a show" He said standing up tall.

"But I love a good show" I tell him smiling as I see Wednesday walking down the stairs.

"The plan wasn't to get you expelled, we're sorry" Bianca said, she can say sorry to Wednesday but not to me. I am certainly not sorry she wanted to leave she got what she wished for. 

"I am not" I whisper looking at the floor only to get a smack on the head by Ajax.

"Shut up" He whispers to me still smiling like nothing is happening.

"The Nightshades need to be ready for what's coming or a lot of people are going to die" Wednesday says and I roll my eyes, of course she has to do this.

"Fuck you Wednesday" I say slapping her before storming away Ajax by my side "I didn't hex her Ajax be happy"

"Yeah... you do love a good show" he laughs putting his arm around me not to fall down the stairs.

"Of course I do, have you met my parents... oh no you didn't cause when Tulip met my mom, mother called her a whore" I say ripping his arm from around them.

"Yeah imagine me meeting your parents I would cry" He laughs and we walk into the quad laughing, this is nice forgetting about problems.

"See you around I am going to ask Miss Thorn-Hill about plants, bye" I said walking away.


It had been while since I talked about the homework with Miss Thorn-Hill now I was just watching her work when Wednesday came in.

"Wednesday" Miss Thorn-Hill says covering on whatever she was working on not like she was going to pay attention. "I thought you'd be halfway to New Jersey by now"

"You can drop the act, Laurel" Wednesday says and I look at her confused, Laurel? like cracray brother that tried to kill my uncle? "I should have known it was you, faking your death, securing a job at Nevermore, unlocking a Hyde, Typically, I have great admiration for well-executed revenge plots, but yours was a bit extreme, even for my high standards" Wednesday rants.

"Wait... her brother is the cracray bitch right?" I ask and Laurel looked ta me angrily.

"Oh, dear, Weems was right you do need psychiatric help, you can't throw out wild accusations without consequences" Laurel says.

"They may be wild... but they're true" Wednesday says  and I look around confused. "Tyler told me everything"

I started to feel light headed and then everything went black.


I wake up in a forest and I see the blonde bitch, what the fuck does he want now.

"What the fuck do you want now?" I ask expressing my thoughts out loud ignoring my headache.

"You will save them" She says and I roll my eyes.

"You say that every time, what the fuck does that mean" I exclaim, she gets on my nerves.

"You will save your family" She says and I roll my eyes.

"What the actual fuck does that mean, I am done with your blonde looking Wednesday ass" I exclaim angrily "Just leave me alone for fuck sake"

"You will save them" She continues then disappearing.

"And you leave me" I say and everything goes black again and I woke up in... Wtf is wrong with this school.


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