08: Poe Cup

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I am sitting next to Enid outside waiting for Wednesday, so when she came up we both stoop up.

"We're all set" Enid says, trying to look mean?

"Good, thing's in positions" Wednesday says.

"Want to tell us what you two were up to?" I ask looking the same direction as Wednesday and Enid.

"And spoil the surprise?" Wednesday says sarcastically.

"Speaking of surprises, your costume's in the tent" Enid tells Wednesday making her frown even more.

"Costume?" Wednesday asks looking at Enid who was already looking at her... Wednesday walks over to us dressed as a cat.

"Omg, you look purr-fect!" Enid exclaims moping her hands up in a, cat motion? "Only thing, where are your whiskers?" Enid asks looking at her face.

"Ask again, and you'll be down to eight lives" Wednesday says glaring at Enid, they would totally make a great couple like black cat and golden retriever or grunge and sunshine.

"Well I am going to get in position" I say getting pretty close to the water my Mary Janes getting covered in mud. I look over all the teams, the sirens wearing yellow, ophelia hall wearing cat costumes, next up the jesters they looked kinda... and next people were wearing black and purple. I noticed Ajax and Enid looking at each other, I do not support Wednesday and Enid forever. Xavier looked good dressed as a jester, he locked eyes with me for a second but I looked away, I have no right to look at him when I sneaked into his room last night. Then I saw him smiling at my cousin...

"I want to welcome you all to the Edgar Allan Poe Cup" Principal Weems she says trough the microphones "This is one of the Nevermore's proudest annual traditions, dating back 125 years" She continues "Each team must row across to Raven island, pull flag from Crackstone's Crypt and hustle back without sinking or being sunk"

And that was my cue I started walking slowly to a little boat that was waiting for me I used my power to make it row by it self and I waited at the start of the island, I could still hear Weems "First team to cross the finish line with their flag wins the cup and bragging rights for a year, as well as some special privileges"she stoped to rise her gun "Let the Poe Cup begin!"

Everyone stared rowing and people started cheering. I was bored, really bored I just need to wait and stop whoever comes along. The jesters passed Enid and Wednesday's team, and then I see Kent, he was helping the sirens no surprise in that and then moments later the purple team was head but moments later their canoe stars moving "mysteriously" probably Kent underneath. Wednesday probably had a plan cause Kent did not continue moving canoes the jesters got to the island and I was ready. I stood close to Crackstone's Crypt and then I saw Ajax and Xavier.

"Hello boys, unfortunately I cannot let you grab the flag" I sat standing informant of them using my powers to block them.

"Come on Lilith don't do this, for you god-children" Ajax says trying to pass the barrier.

"What god-children?" Xavier ask confused, that distracted me and Ajax tackled me.

"It us official I am hexing your whole blood line!" I exclaim wrestling with him.

"Do not curse my children Lilith!" He screams as I push his head back with me hand "Xavier grab her, I'll grab the flag and don't you dare curse my family!" Ajax screams flipping me off as Xavier grabs my arms so I dot move.

"I swear to god Xavier Thorpe if you do not let me go I am going to hex you" I say trying to get out his grip "And your future children" I then got an idea foe crying.

"Why are you crying? please don't cry" he says flipping me so I ma looking at him, I took the advantage to sweep his legs making him fall.

"Finally Wednesday" I say as she comes back few seconds later Ajax "Bye Xavier"

I run over to the canoe jumping on on the secret extra sit their is a sit down rowing. When we pass the jesters cause their boat was sinking. "Bye Xavier, Bye Ajax" I say a is pass a Xavier that was having a tantrum.

"Cheaters" Xavier screams.

"I just asked myself, WWWD, what would Wednesday do?" Enid says and I laugh. We start rowing almost reaching the sirens, as we pass them Wednesday retracts some arrows to stretch their canoe a we pass but as soon as we are close Kent moves our canoe. Ok what do we do.

"Everyone move to the right" I say putting my hear onto a ponytail, "Ok move!" I scream as I grab onto the side jumping off as I get into the water Kent stares at me weirdly I swing myself with the help of the canoe I kick him in the face. He falls unconscious and I get back on the canoe. "Now continue" I say shaking my head to get all the water from my hair.

Now that we were close enough to the sirens the metals rods Wednesday installed it scratched their vote making them slowly sink we got closer and Enid and Wednesday run to the finish line.

"Girl did you kick Kent in the face?" Tulip asks hugging me "He is going to get bruise"

"Yeah you kick harder than a horse" Theo says.

"Are you calling me a horse?" I ask sarcastically

"No no no" Theo says


We are finally at the school sitting down as Weems continues to talk about the Poe Cup, I was sitting next to a grumpy Kent and Davina trying to make him feel better.

"I'm sorry for kicking you Kent" I say looking at him.

"It's ok you were trying to win" He says looking at me "And I dint get this because of you a little hand thingy punched me right after" he says nodding, like he was recalling the moment.



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