04: Scream

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"Are you ok?" I ask the girl under me but before she could answer she fainted I look around to see if anyone was around to help me and then I saw Theo I stood up "Theo come over here"

"What'" He asks before seeing the unconscious girls "I would help you hide the body of Adams but I draw the line at Lilith" He says looking at them.

"I didn't kill them just help me get them to the infirmary" I tell him picking up Lilith.

"Ok whatever you say just remember who her dad is" Theo shrugs following me to the infirmary "I am going to call Tulip" He says as we finally got to the infirmary and the nurses where checking on them.

"Ok ill stay here" I say looking down at Lilith.

"I don't want to come in to you guys doing anything, ok?" Theo jokes walking out I look down at Lilith she looked so peaceful not the glare or frown she held normally just her relaxed face. That was until she started stirring in her sleep moving a lot.

"Lilith, Lilith" I say softly but she woke up with an ear perching scream I would think she was a Banshee with that scream. "Lilith calm down you are at Nevermore" I say grabbing the side of her to make her look at me "Salem calm down" her breathing became softer after a moment.

"What happened?" She asked on Hugh alert I put my hands down from her face.

"A Gargoyle almost made you into a pancake" I jokingly say making a little smile come onto her face. "Where you having nightmare?" I ask confused.

"I don't know what it was" She says before we could continue Tulip and Theo burst trough the door so I got of the bed sitting on a chair next to Wednesday side of the bed.

"Omg I though you died" I hear tulip says as she kissed Lilith's face all over.

"Tulip I am alive so please stop kissing me not even my English god mother kisses my cheeks so much" She says pushing Tulip away. Now I get why she choose them over me.

"Anyways I though Thorpe had killed you and Addams" Theo says causing Lilith to laugh.

"I wish, then I wouldn't have to babysit my siblings almost everyday" She jokes but she was kinda serious in her one "Can we get out of here? its depressing"

"Yeah come on Darling" When Theo said that I felt this weird feeling like Jealousy.

"You guys go, I have to do something" She says and see them leave I see her come over to me my heart pounding hard. "Look I know we had a fight yesterday but thanks for like saving my life, and tell my cousin I hope she is ok when she wakes up" She says kissing my cheek and then leaving. My face started to heat up oh god why do I do this to myself.

A few moments after Lilith left Wednesday open her eyes, I look down at her.

"Welcome back" I say looking down at her smiling "Just take it easy"



It was dinner time right now and I was eating with Theo and Tulip when Enid came in a angry look in her face. She stomped over to us sitting down next to me.

"Hey what's up Little wolf" Theo asks from the other side of the bench.

"Wednesday is up" She huffs now laying her head on the table I start rubbing her back trying to make her feel better.

"What did my cousin do?" I ask looking up at my friends for help who didn't know what to do either.

"Everything with her little machine to write" She says throwing her hands up almost hitting me.

"Ok umm what do you want us to do about it?" Tulip asks confused looking at me and Theo for help like I had just done a moment ago.

"I just needed to get that out and the Ms. Thornhill came in while I had my claws out" she exclaims trowing her head back.

"Anyways are you guys excited for tomorrow I can't wait to have cotton candy" I say smiling "and today is a full moon you may wolf out" I say trying to change the topic.

"I hope my mom will disown me if I don't" She says back.

"Well if she does me, Theo and lily will hex her" Tulip says trying to lift her spirts.

"Specially Lily with her dark magic" Theo jokes and I trow my apple at him.

"How dare you I WOULD NEVER use that kind of magic" I say back putting my hand on my chest acting offended, of-course I used dark magic, you know who my dad is? He is the boogie man how do you think he teleports.

"mhm sure" Tulip says back acting judge.

"I am going to be room I need to study" I say hoping the won't be suspicious.

"Ok good night" they say and I go to my room.

I open up my drawer and see the rolled up cigs I had hidden under all my clothes I grab one using my magic to light it up. I go out to my small balcony when I heard Wednesday playing, when I tell you she was good at everything it was true, at playing instruments, fencing. All minus showing emotions. That is why I mm getting really high and drunk right now.

That was until I heard a knock on my door fuck I am like really drunk and high or the both. I stumble over to the door I open it trying not to act high out my mind and outside my door I see Xavier.

"He-hello Xavier" I say almost shouting.

"I just came here to make sure you were feeling ok" He says confused on why I almost screamed.

"Fine just fine" Not fine defiantly not fine "Feel brand new" I say slapping myself in the face mentally.

"Are you sure you sound kinda weird?" He asks and I nod my head quiet aggressively.

"I am fine a promise" I say closing the door.


Hey I might not post as much my granny is in the hospital hope you understand

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