22: Spooky House

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"I'm going to check the garage" Wednesday says going in us following her, Wednesday tries to get the garage door open I use my a spell to unlock it but my magic didn't work. Why is my magic not working?

"Let me try" Taylor says going over to the door trying to open the door, but the door rattled. What a surprise he is not strong enough "This is pointless" He says.

"can I try?" Enid asks handing the flashlight over to Wednesday, one pull and then door opened.

"Whoa" Taylor says spooked.

"She is stronger than Galpin" I say in a sing song voice getting hit over the head by Wednesday, I am going to get a concussion one of this days.

"Its werewolf's things" Enid shrugs going into the garage along with me and Wednesday. Taylor was being really suspicious, like he was trying to make us leave.

Wednesday turns on the light which flickers on a car with a sheet over it stood in the garage, I took the sheet of carefully.

"This car hot the major" Wednesday says holding onto my hand again scarred, I totally now telling Ajax I stole his girl.

"Okay, this just took a dark turn" Enid says squeezing my hand.

"My magic doesn't work here" I tell them and Wednesday glances at me confused "I am probably tired" I say trying not to scare Enid.

"We need to call Taylor's dad right freaking now" Enid exclaims pointing over to Taylor and I nod agreeing.

"Why? So he can take me back to Nevermore and get me expelled?" Wednesday asks already knowing the answer. "It's not going to happen"

"Isn't that what you wanted?" I ask confused but she just looks at me like I am dumb.

Wednesday walks over to the door to get into the house, the door creaking open. The house was dusty and looked almost as black and white as Wednesday.

"This is the night I'm gonna die" Taylor says and I smile.

"Great I love this night now" I say a big smile on my face. While Enid whimpers quietly, I squeeze her hand lightly trying to make her feel better.

We continue walking looking around, this house was so freaky. The floor boards creaking underneath us. As we enter another room there is a portrait of the family that used to live here. Wednesday flashes the light at the painting, they looked like a normal family not like a bunch of psychos. We continues walking every room getting even more dirty. We walk over to a book shelf Wednesday moving some of them looking for a secrete door.

"Seen enough?" Taylor asks and I frown, he really does not wants us to keep going. Why does he not want us to keep going?

Wednesday keeps looking ta the shelf, me and Enid holding onto each other for comfort. Wednesday touches a flap a door opening reveling a painting of CrackStone and candles. Enid hold onto my arm now whimpering even more uncomfortably.

"Who doesn't have a spooky built-in altar in their family library" Enid says cloning onto my ram scared even more, not vine MY family have an altar of a dead relative and we are a weird as family.

"Ours is in the living room" Wednesday says.

"Yeah but yours is pretty not like this shit" I say look at the altar, weird as family were the Gates. "More seating for year-long Did de los Muertos" She says, ok we do have an altar but its pretty and not like this. They probably dint celebrate Dia de los Muertos. I space out a bit thinking why my powers wouldn't work here and why Taylor is being suspicious.

"It's still warm" Wednesday says holding a candle making Enid dig her claws lightly into my skin. "Ok Taylor, Lilith, you check the rest of the ground floor. Enid and I will research upstairs" Wednesday says Enid lets go of my arm whispering good luck in my era before leaving.

"Ok so..." Taylor says and I roll my eyes.

"Galpin you search the right part and I do the left part" I say leaving the door, this fucking family is weird as fuck. Roses were still in vases, food was still in fridges that were eaten by rats or bugs. I see some dead rats form old rat poison on the floor, when I heard some glass breaking I turned around and saw the shadow of the monster. I looked around all the windows in here are covered by wood. "Fuck" I whisper crawling under the dusty table. The big thumps of the monster coming into the kitchen, I saw its claws, I accidentally put my hand too far away and its claw dug into my hand, I put my other hand over my mouth not to scream out of pain.

When I saw it leave I stood up fast trying to run, from the thumps I knew it saw me. So I ran faster that I have ever running to the garage running out the house. Wait, Enid and Wednesday, I saw the basement window open so I ran over there seeing enid trying to get up. I grabbed her and pulled her up.

"Wednesday, come on" Enid screams as we hear it walking down the stairs, Wednesday said something about body parts, after a while Wednesday finally stopped and took Enid hand gong through the window.

"Are you both ok?" Wednesday asks, enid grabbed my hand scared again.

"Since when do you care?" Enid says back.

"I am ok Wednesday" I tell her getting dragged away by enid. We started to ran but before we could, the adrenaline covering the pain I would feel in my hand, if I dint have adrenaline.

"Wednesday, what the hell are you thinking?" Enid screams seeing Wednesday run back.

"We have to go back for Taylor" Wednesday screamed back.


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