11: Forest

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"I deserved it while my sanity was still intact" She answers and he leans on the counter as I pick up the dirty mugs. Like I am a fucking maid.

"Oh yeah?" He asks looking her up and down "Want a coffee?" he asks like HE is the one making the coffees and cleaning the dishes.

"Yeah if she wants one you come behind here and you make one" I say glaring at him continuing to serve costumers.

"It's one of the many perks of this wonderful assignment" Xavier says ignoring me completely.

"I'm actually here for Tyler" Wednesday says, and I looked at her confused while Xavier looks sad, why would he are who she is seeing.

"Be careful with him" I say continuing to work.

"I told you he was bad news" Xavier says finally agreeing with me.

"Twice each one of you, but who I speak to is me business" She says glancing at me, she ding the little bell and like a fucking dog... actually that is an insult to dogs like a little monster he follows the sound of the little bell.

"Oh here comes the dog" I say glaring at him.

"You ring?" Taylor says, Xavier scoffs walking away I just ignore them...

After a while Wednesday leaves and 2 minutes later Xavier grabs his coat and umbrella. I go over to him staring ta him do stuff.

"You wanna come with?" Xavier asks, opening the door.

"And miss this awful assignment? I would love too" I say taking of the apron dropping it to the ground and letting my hair out the tight ponytail, walking out the door with him "So where are we going?" I ask.

"I heard Taylor and Wednesday talking and she is going to the forest for this meeting house" He says and I roll y yes which he didn't fail to notice "Why did you roll your eyes?" He asks looking down at me confused.

"Nothing, you seems you have a crush on my cousin" I say trying not to sound upset. He chuckles at least he didn't realize.

"You wish then I would be part of your family for ever" He jokes, we hadn't joked liked this in over a year.

"Yeah you wish I was you cousin-law" I say jokingly pushing him, I put my hadn't on my shoulder being cold. Trying to not act cold but I think he noticed he started to take off his jacker.

"Here" He says trying to give my his blazer.

"No Xavier then you are cold" I say rejecting his offer.

"I have two jackets Salem, take it" He says forcing it onto my hand and I take it putting it o the familiar cent hitting my nose.

"Thank you" I say playing with my fingers, the closer we got to where Wednesday was supposed to be I felt a gut feeling that something was wrong so I ran, not caring my Mary-Janes were getting dirty.

"The monster is human" I hear her say.

"Nes i was so scared something happened to you" I sat soaking wet hugging her. "I had this gut feeling you were going to get hurt or you were going to be dead" I say breathing heavily.

"Please let me go" she says looking back at the mud.

"What the hell are you doing?" Xavier asks and I stand there breathing heavily hearing the whispers again, I do not like this place.

"I was following the monster" Wednesday says to Xavier who was holding the umbrella and glancing at me.

"You saw it?" Xavier asks looking around. So now he believes her? "It's here? Do you have a death wish or something?" He asks.

"What are you doing here?" She asks me and Xavier.

"I wanted to stop working" I say.

"I overheard you say you were checking out the old meeting house" Xavier explains looking dow on her. "It's lucky I showed up when I did"

"I did learn one thing" Wednesday says as I try to cover my face from the face. "The monster is human, its tracks turned from monster prints to human ones"

"Show me" Xavier says nodding his head forward. I tuned them out trying to use my powers to cover myself form the rain. As I am doing that Xavier puts his arm around my shoulder bringing me closer so I wouldn't get wet, also rubbing the side of my arm trying to warm me up.

"Why the sudden change up heart?" I finally come out my trance hearing Wednesday talk.

"I texted him again today, I said maybe we could meet over spring break and go snow boarding like we did last year" Xavier says slouching a bit due to him being cold. "This time he texted right back, said he wouldn't be able to make it"

"Only you never went snowboarding last year" Wednesday says and he nods, bringing me closer noticing my shivering.

"Part of me wanted to blame his recent weirdness, I didn't want to think something bad had happened" Xavier tells Wednesday.

"The cover-up is always worse than the crime" Wednesday tells him.

"Now I need you to be honest with me" He says turning to Nes "Why'd you come out to the old meeting house in the first place?"

"I was trying to learn more about Crackstone, figure out he's connected to this" Nes explains.

"Yeah, you were trying to use your psychic abilities, right?" He asks and I frown, she had powers and he found out before me. I tuned them out until Wednesday left.

"How did you know she had psychic abilities?" I ask facing him, we were so close his hot breath was on my skin.

"My dad has them remember?" He asks grabbing my arm so were side my side while we walked to where new fountain was going to be.

"I guess you really pay attention to her" I say looking down at the muddy ground.

"Yeah I guess I do" He says the awkwardness back.

"That is why you drew her?" I ask and he stops walking for a moment.

"How did you know that?" he asks continuing walking.

"I just did" I say walking away.


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