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As we showed Wednesday around with her little snarky comments I though I would have fainted by now. Why did Theo and tulip have to leave?

"Nevermore was founded in 1791 to educate people like us" Enid starts as we walk down the stairs.

"Outcast, freaks, monsters, fill in your favorite marginalized group here" I continue after a moment of silence.

"You can save the sanitized sales pitch" When Wednesday started talking I zoned out thinking about my parents. MY aunt and uncle showed their love my dad does not know how to express his emotions he expresses them by actions like gifts and other materialistic stuff while my mom basically the same things.

"What plan?" I hear Enid ask.

"To turn me into a version of themselves" Wednesday answers.

"In that case, perhaps you can clear something up, rumor's been swirling around that you killed a kid at your old school ,and your parents pulled strings to get you off" Enid says and I smile she didn't kill anyone.

"Actually, it was two kids, but who's counting?" She says making me scoff she dint ill anyone dramatic bitch.

We follow Wednesday and make our way to the quad.

"Welcome to the quad" I say sarcastically with open arms.

"It's a pentagon" Wednesday says her flat tone again, making enid look at her oi could see she was debating on saying something.

"The whole snarky Goth girl thing might have worked at norm school but here things are different, let me give you a wiki on Nevermore's social scene" Enid says and I roll my yes seeing Bianca, Kent and Davina.

"Bye loser" I say leaving them to go with them.

"Why is grumpy, you look like you are about to hex someone" Kent says wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

"Let me guess the little psycho is here?" Bianca asks sarcastically already knowing the answer.

"Why does she have to be so emo" I groan leaning my head against Kent's chest.

"Yea she looks like she is in black and white" Davina says string at her.

"She could use some color to her face" Bianca says and we all agree. While they were talking I looked over at Xavier and see he was drawing a... raven my favorite animal.

WAIT he probably did it an accident and before I could look away he caught my eye we stared at each other for a moment but I looked away, that is one of my friends exes, I can't let this happen.


I needed to clear my head so I pieced to go for a run like I used you before I found new coping ways but I am not going to get into that. So I got ready with some shorts and sports bra to go running.

As I went outside the cold wind hit me as I fix my ponytail. Ok as I start running I feel someone behind me but I choose to ignore it, it can't happen again, it can't. My breathing goes heavier from each step I take. As I passed a paddle I saw, Wednesday but blonde? In the reflection of the puddle that caused me to run faster. This is the literal definition of running away from your problems I had seen that girl multiple times but only in things that have a reflection and then I hear her whispers but they hurt every time she talks.

As I pass the old house with the metal doors I stop, feeling sick I look around and see no-one had been following me I breathe in and out slowly trying to compose myself the best I could. Why does this blonde girl always in my dreams and well everywhere. Oh no its starting to get dark quickly and I am going to be here alone. Why didn't I take my pills? Why can't I deal normally like I always do.

When I feel someone behind me so I did the rational thing and I used my power to make a knife and flipped the person to the floor putting the knife to their neck. I breathe heavily before I hear their voice.

"What the fuck Salem please don't kill me" God this is embarrassing Xavier was under me.

"Why the fuck did you just stand there watching me you scared me" I say standing up getting rid of the knife from my hand.

"Sorry for being confused of seeing you literally about to vomit, and looking really scared" He says back standing up dusting his pants off.

"Why can't you mind your own business" I say bait harshly I didn't mean it but I was just trying.

"You looked like you were struggling to breathe I am sorry for worrying" He says back I just stand there trying my best not to cry.

"Look I am just going for a run now if you don't mind I am leaving" But when I tried to leave he grabbed my arm.

"Look I know we haven't talked in a while and I don't know why-" but I interrupt him.

"I know why cause you ditched me after you started dating Bianca" I say feeling my anger rise "And then I had to go make new friends"

"Look I am sorry I really didn't mean to push you away" He says back trying to grab my hands but a stand back.

"Fuck this, we were friends but you ruined it" I say back feeling my anger raise.

"I know, I know but-"

"But nothing talk to me when you have a good excuse" I say running back to Nevermore feeling tears about to spill from my eyes.


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