05: Carnival

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I was so excited today was the harvest carnival I had been getting ready with Tulip for a hour now some false lashes, nude lipstick, and some thick eyeliner, my long nails painted black, a black short sleeved shirt, leather jacker and some cuffed jeans. My hair was straightened.

"You look great tulip"I say looking at her dark colored outfit.

"You too girl I might date you" She says laughing kissing my kiss.

"Ok we should leave come one or Theo might leave without us" I jokingly grabbing her arm running to the bus that as just about to leave without us. As we sit at the back of the bus Theo already waiting for us, we sit next to him laughing as everyone glares at us for being late.

"What took you guys so long, do not tell me you were making out like last time" Theo says glaring at me I just smile.

"That was one time Theo stop being jealous" I say smiling as he stoped glaring at me knowing I know about his little crush.

"Anyways I can't wait to go to the carnival I am so excited" tulip rants making me and Theo block her out her ranting. This was a normal thing in our friendship.

"Tulip love please be quiet" When she heard the nickname her face went red and she covered her face with her hands "Thanks and blushing looks good on you" and this another thing them not admitting their crushes for each other making my life miserable.

"Ok I feel really single right now so I am leaving goodbye" I sat standing up looking for a free seat when I found one I saw it was next to Xavier, I guess it will do. I sit next to him making him turn to me surprised.

"H-hi, why aren't you sitting with Jameson and Roseta?" He asks and I shrug.

"Tired of their poor effort of flirting, how can two people be so oblivious that the person you've know for so long likes you?" I ask looking at the roof of the bus, this is the longest conversation we've had in a long time without fighting or being interrupted.

"I can promise you they are not the only people to make that mistake" Xavier says looking t the window I look at him confused, did he mean he liked me? No that could never happen he just liked me as a best friend.

"Yeah sure" I say looking around I saw Davina and Yoko talking, I had always loved them they were perfect for each other. This was going to be a long trip.


It was a long ride with the awkward silence the whole time, when the bus stopped I was the first one to stand up and leave the bus that was too awkward for my liking like you could cut the tension with a part of scissors. I wait for Theo and Tulip to get out the bus but diced to give them some space. So I follow Enid and Wednesday and I heard she was planning to escape.

"You are planning on escaping?" I ask scaring both of them.

"Yes I am, got a problem with that?" Wednesday asks and I look at her.

"No just be carful you never know what a norm is going to do, I know from experience" I say patting her shoulder "Be careful I mean it Wednesday if anything faooesn ill bring you back kill you bring you back and send you to Olimpio" I say in a serious tone. "Goodbye cousin" I say before leaving to play a game I decided to do the dart one.

I tuve the man a dollar grabbing the darts not missing once winning me a panda that I will defiantly give to someone else but before I could leave Wednesday starts playing too not missing even once without missing.

"Jeez, you get any better at this, you'll be taking home a whole pack" Xavier says leaning on the table lightly.

"Pandas don't travel in packs, they prefer solitude" Wednesday says still looking at the board.

"All rige, subtle hint taken" Xavier says smiling, what "hint".

"You should know I'm waiting for someone" Wednesday says finally looking at him.

"Oh yeah, who's the lucky guy?" Xavier says and I frown.

"Or girl?" I say looking behind Wednesday seeing a boy I knew very well.

"What does it matter to you?" Wednesday asks.

"Didn't mean to interrupt" Taylor says, how do I know him its a long story but in a summary it happened a year ago when me and Xavier were still friends their friends grabbed us and ruined some of our stuff that is how I got the scar on my forehead when they threw me at a wall.

"You're not" Xavier says getting out of his more comfortable stand to I more threatening one while I just glare at Taylor. How dare he come here and think we would just forget. Xavier leaves without another word.

"Is this the guy?" I ask glaring at Taylor.

"Yes, do you know each-other?" She asks looking between us.

"You could say that" I say walking off but nor forgetting to knock my shoulder against his as hard as I could. I walked around for a bit, winning games, buying food having fun all on my own. That was until Xavier came up to me.

"Why is your cousin hanging around Taylor?" He asks angrily sitting informant of me.

"I don't know how they even met, why would I know why they know each other?" I tell him being as confused as him.

"Does she even know what happened?" He asks still angry.

"First do not be angry at me she is not my reparability and second I dint have time to tell her before I started to feel badly, ok? So sorry for not saying the whole biography" I say looking up from my hands.

"Sorry is just seeing him brought back memories" He says back.

"Its alright it also brought me memories" I say looking down when I feel his hand on mine.

"It's ok"


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