32: Frankenstein

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"you didn't go through all that for nothing"



All of a sudden... the jars turned on and signals on the floor also turned on, thunder roared being seen by the large circle window from the roof, Thorn-Hill pushes me to the side making me bump my head on the wall next to Wednesday.

"Are you ok?" I whisper to Wednesday and she nods her yes still on the scene happening informe of us.

Little lighting bolt come out the box connecting to the metal things on the jars the water inside of them bubbling, smoke spilling out like a water fall filling the room up. It lifts up and Crackstone comes out of it... he does look like Frankenstein, Thorn-Hill smiles tears in her eyes.

"I am of your blood, I have summonsed you to rid the world of outcasts once and for all" The red head says clutching onto her awful outfit in excitement. Crackstone gasps moving his hand forward, Laurel I guess is her name, gasps walking over to the deformed man kissing his ring, what in Sweet Home Alabama is this?

"My vengeance will be swift and true" He says looking down at her, Wednesday stands up, me being to weak to even move I just watch.

"As will mind" Wednesday says glaring at the man dropping the chains from her hands, Frankenstein looks over at her his cane glowing magically.

"Goody Addams" He growls like a chihuahua "you haunt me still" he continues walking down the steps "you will suffer the same fate you bequeathed me" he says stabbing Wednesday in the stomach, u scream and he glances at me "and you will have to starve in here" I try to use my powers but they didn't work "Now burn in the eternal fires of hell" he says twisting the knife in Wednesdays stomach "where you all belong" Wednesday grunts weakly before falling into the pillar sliding down.

"Sweet dreams girls" Laurel laughs skipping away closing the doors behind her with a lock.

"Wednesday look at me" I said walking over to her trying to use my magic to help her.

"It is no use Lily let me die" She whispers and I shake my head. No it can't be yes I was mad at her but she was still my family I won't let her die.

"Wednesday you are stronger than that Frankenstein hag and his slutty Ron Weasley" I said and she smiled weakly "ok? Now get Goody over here and she will maybe help us"


"Wednesday, Lilith" a faint voice says, it had been a minute or two and Wednesday was growing weak, and I couldn't do anything to help her. We both look over and Goody stands in front of us.

"Are you here to take me to the other side?" Wednesday asks glaring at her.

"That means I am dead to dumbass" u rolled my eyes.

"Listen, Crackstone must be stabbed through his black heart by Wednesday" Goody said holding onto Wednesday's hand "It is the only way he will be vanished now and forever"

"Is your spectral vision impaired? I'm dying" Wednesday said tears in her eyes looking paler than usual.

"Your necklace, it is a powerful talisman" Goody tells Wednesday me just looking between them hoping Wednesday would get better soon.

"My mother told me it's for conjuring visions" Wednesday told the blonde girl informs of us.

"It is also a conduit for conjuring spirits" Goody tells Wednesday smiling lightly. "It will allow me to pass through you and help Lilith heal you by using both of our magic, this place stops it, just know, once I do, you will never see me again, the school needs you both"

Wednesday nods Goody holding on to the knife me doing the same, the both of us chanting a healing spell, pulling out the knife continuing the spell, both our hands glowing a gold like color, in a matter of seconds Goody disappears and Wednesday is as good as new. Wednesday gasps sitting up quickly.

"Wednesday let's go" I said walking over to the door kicking it open, I guess my anger is good for some thing.

Wednesday and I run through the woods until... we hear something a howl. We kept running until Tyler came out behind a tree.

"For fuck sake" I murmur to myself getting tired of Taylor.

"Laurel said you were dead" Tyler says confused.

"We are... ghosts!? Coming to haunt you" I say weirdly looking over at Wednesday who tools her eyes.

"I'm feeling much better now" Wednesday says glaring at the bitch.

"You're like a cockroach" Tyler says walking closer to us.

"Please, flattery will get you nowhere" Wednesdays said, I do not think that was sarcastic, does she think it is a complemente?

Tyler brings Wednesday closer by her jacket.

"This will not end well for you" Wednesday said looking up at the boy. No man would fall I live for a man ed Sheeran psycho bitch. All of a sudden his eyes go big like that zombie form that pant game. And he turns u to the monster.

"what the actual fuck" I said glancing at him, he snarls swinging at us smashing us onto a broken tree trunk me and Wednesday trying to get out his grip "you racist fuck let me go" I screamed trying to kick his hand of "I knew you were racist!"

"Not the time Lily" Wednesday says as it brings his other... hand? To slash when, all of a sudden a wolf comes out.

It was pink and colourful nails, Enid.

"Enid! You turned!" I exclaim happily jumping in joy. When all of a sudden it gifs Enid pushing it to the side "do not hit my girl bitch!" I exclaim trying to use my powers but I couldn't feel it, weird but not the time.

"I need to get back to the school" Wednesday screamed running of me ruining of with her, what a time, when we got to the school...


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