15: Outfit

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Today was one of the only days I have ever woken up excited, today I was helping Ajax on what he was going to wear. I am not letting him wear sweatpants like he wants to.

I had already gotten a dress, well more like my mom sent me one of her vintage dresses, so I did not have to go shopping. She told me not to get even a drop of punch on it if I did I would properly be murdered.

"You cannot wear a sweatshirt to the dance!" I exclaims taking away the sweat shirt from Ajax. "You have to look nice not homeless" We kept playing tug a war for a while until he finally lets go and I throw the jacket on the bed I am sat at.

"Well then I always look homeless" He says looking to through his closet. We had been at it for an hour and I also had to leave in 39 minutes to meet Yoko, Davina and Enid for dress shopping.

"That one!" I exclaim jumping down from the bed grabbing the white suit he had stuffed in his wardrobe, it was white suit pants a white turtle neck with a vest. "You will look great"

"Fine... I'll wear a white beanie" He sighs, finally I have to get ready to see the girls.

"You will look great I swear" I say kissing his cheek as I leave "thank you Ajax, bye" I say walking to my dorm.


We got to Hawte Kewture the dress shop Enid and Wednesday talking while I talked with Yoko and Davina, the shop was pink with dots of blue on some places.

"Come on" Davina laughs going in Yoko and I falling her in. Some stoners with us Enid comes in smiling at us.

"Let's do a runway show!" Enid exclaims and I sit down at a chair waiting for them to choose some dresses to try on. Enid comes out in a Cinderella looking dress.

"Ew you look like Cinderella" I say laughing.

"What bad about that?" Davina asks beside me, she already had a suit to wear.

"Cinderella before the fairy god mother" I continue making Enid pout and go back in, Yoko comes out in a black stringy dress with a blue jacket on.

"You look great" Davina says look her girlfriend up and down.

"Stop eye ducking and buy the dress Yoko" I say kicking Davina off the chair which she made a huge thump sound landing.

"Ok I'll buy it" Yoko says smiling going back into the dressing room.

We were there for another 10 minutes before Enid found the perfect slightly pink dress with fur on the ends.

"Perfect you look kinda like a yassified Miss Claus" I say laughing at her.

"I will wear the pink wig you have me for my birthday" She says.


After shopping we went to the Weathervane for some snacks.

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