07: Dorm

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It was after class and the Nightshades decided to hang out we were sitting down on the floor drinking mojitos that Yoko made we were laughing and having some fun when Xavier left saying he was going for a run.

"I think I should leave to I do not want to end up in a strange bed again" I joke leaving when I was leaving going to my dorm someone caught my arm I turned around and...

Wednesday was there grabbing my arm.

"I need your help sneaking in to Xavier's dorm" She says and I look at her confused.

"Why would I help you with that?" I ask very much confuse don why in gods name she would ask ME of all people.

"Well first I know you were friends with him before and I won't tell your parents you smoke" She says.

"Are you threatening me?" I ask.

"Yes I am so are you helping or not" She says and I roll my eyes agreeing.

"Fine but you owe me" I say turning around for her to follow me.


"Ok we have to go from this window to up there, back in the day he would pull me up so, I am going to lift you up and then you pull me up" I say in-front of his window.

It sounded simple but Wednesday is sucks picky bitch and she noted me to carry her a certain way. But when we finally got in to his room, thing got out looking for Rowan's shit I just say at Xavier's desk bored. I only did that cause I do not want to be grounded for ever. I looked at Wednesday and thing looking around, was she looking for the book that goes with that page. Wednesday starts looking through Xavier's sketch book and stops at a page where he had drawn her. I do not know why I felt jealous, but I did that reminded me when he would draw bianaca and I felt the same

Wednesday turned off the lights grabbing a blue light flashlight I was surprised she didn't find anything on that old as mattresses. She went unfit the bed picking up a Nightshades mask... fuck why couldn't he get rid of it. We were about to leave when Xaviers bathroom door opened I went under Rowan's bed using a invisibility spell to make me invisible to everyone minus thing and Wednesday.

Xavier got out his bathroom drying his hair, he looked confused on why the lights were off, someone kept knocking at the door when he opened it Bianca was there, instead of saying hi Xavier grabbed Bianca so she would come I.

"You're not supposed to be up here" He says looking around making sure no-one saw her come in.

"Good to see you too" Bianca says sarcastically.

"How'd you get past the housemaster? Use your siren power?" He asks leaning on his bed witch made him look kinda...

"Not while wearing this" She says grabbing her necklace "Would it kill you to not think the worst of me for once?" Bianca asks getting closer tp him.

"What do you want? Bianca" He asks clearly tired ok her.

"To see how you're doing" She answers "I am sorry about Rowan, I know you guys used to be close" she continues looking at the bed I was currently under.

"Since when did you give a damn about rowan?" He asks harshly.

"You were the one afraid he'd do something to Wednesday and Lilith" She says and I frown, why would he worried? "Isn't that why you've been following Wednesday like an eager-eyed puppy?" She asks and I frown again. "Or is there something more?" Xavier moves to his desk "Seriously, what do you see on her?" he looks over his desk noticing his stretch book open so he slams it closed turning around to face Bianca. "Suddenly you have a thing for a tragic goth girls with funeral-parlor fashion sense?" She keeps asking.

"Maybe it's because they haven't tried to manipulate me" He says, so he does like her.

"I make one mistake, and you can't forgive me" She says. "Wednesday treats you like crap and you can't get enough and you haven't talked to Lilith in over a year" She says frowning.

"Why are you fixated on Wednesday?" He says like I was never mentioned.

"Because she thinks she's better than everyone else" She does nothing she knows. "I can't wait to crush Ophelia Hall tomorrow and watch her werewolf roommate crumble" Oh I know you did not come after my little wolf, she is going to regret it "It's gonna be a Poe Cup finale to remember"

"Yeah I hate to think what you've got planned" He says not even looking at her.

"My game's already started" She says and I frown, I ma going to beat her if she makes anything happen to Enid "I am going to win, is that so wrong?"

"And you wonder why I broke up with you" He say finally looking at her.

"You used to love my killer instinct" She says grabbing his hand and that jealous feeling came again, "We were good together, Xavier"

"Were, we?" He asks "Is that just how you wanted me to feel?"

"Trust me, Wednesday Addams is not the girl of your dreams, Lilith is another conversation" She says glaring at him "Wednesday is the stuff for your nightmares" she says leaving the room.


As we enter Wednesday and Enid's dorm I saw Enid weeping at her bed.

"Where have you been?" she asks hugging me and I hug her back she lets go looking at the both of us "I'm literally having a heart attack right now, Yoko's in the infirmary!" She exclaims and I look at her concerned.

"What happened?" Wednesday asks.

"Garlic bread incident at dinner, she had a major allergic reaction, she's out of the Poe Cup and I don't have a co-pilot" Enid says pacing.

"It wasn't an accident, Bianca's behind it" I say looking at the both of them.

"How do you know?" Enid asks.

"Doesn't matter" Wednesday says.

After a while of talking we came of with a plan.


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