18: Parents Day

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It's been a week and a half since 2 things happened I kinda made out with XAVIER THORPE and second Eugene was almost killed by the monster. When I tell you I felt so bad while I was making out with Xavier he was fighting for his life...

...But I can't worry about that today my parents are coming and I can't wait to get judged. The only good thing about this visit is that I can see my siblings.

So I got ready and went to the entrance, I waited for the red limo to come in and my family comes out my mother in a night black dress, my father in a black suit, my brother Ron some jeans and a shirt and my sister in a black mini dress.

"Lily!" My sister exclaims, hugging me and I hug her back.

"Hey Alex, how have you been!" I ask letting her go.

"Goo I have great grades" she says looking over at Jamie's smugly "Jamie not os much"

"Grades don't matter that much anyways" I say but my mom comes over giving me a side hug.

"Of corse they matter darling tell her" My mother says my father does not hug he shows live by materialistic stuff so he gave my a bag with a necklace in it.

"Your mother is right grades do matter" My father says not like he would disagree with her.

"Yeah what ever, let's go to the quad" I say walking out.

"Have you been eating lately you seem too skinny" mother say and I roll my eyes, it's either to look to fat or too skinny. Weems when we got there started a speech.

"Nevermore was created as a safe haven for our children to learn and to grow, no matter who or what they are" everyone applauses but my  va parents just stand there bored.

I tuned her out when she started talking about Eugene, I couldn't talk about that I had so many regret, this is the universe telling me I shouldn't have a love life.

"Weems and her dramatics" my mother rolls her eyes as we sit down at a table my mother insisting we sat down saying she didn't want me getting even skinnier.

"Now how are your grades?" Mother asks looking around.

"Good straight As and some Bs" I tell her training not to show my annoyance.

"You should only be getting straight As only" Father says looking at me with his emotionless eyes.

"And how is Xavier I would love to see him" Mother says looking around.

"I don't know mother" I say, sometimes it feels like they like him more than me.

"Why don't you go look for him?" Mother asks the first time happy since she came.

"Sure.." I say, I haven't talked to Xavier since we made out. I reach the top of the stairs I feel someone bump into me.

"I my god Salem I am so sorry" Xavier says holding his hand over his mouth in shock.

"It's alright, my mother wants to see you" I tell him and his face lights up.

"Really? I can't wait to see Ophelia" He says happily following me down the stairs.

"Let me guess, your dad is a no show?" I ask sarcastically, my dad might not show affection but at least he shows up.

"Like every year" He sighs but his face lights up when he sees my family.

"Xavier! You've grown up so much!" My mother exclaims hugging Xavier fully, while I got a side hug.

"Yeah that what happens in a year Ophelia" Xavier jokes making my father laugh. His eyes full off happiness.

"You still have the jokes though" my dad jokes making my siblings and I roll my eyes. I sit down next to them, looking at OUR parents treat Xavier as more than a son than us.

"How is your father? Where is he? I haven't seen him in such a long time" my mother asks looking around for Xavier's father.

"He didn't show" Xavier says looking down, my mother giving him a sweet look.

"It's ok you can sit with us later" Mother says and I glare at the floor my knee bouncing up and down as I try to control my anger.

"It's ok Ajax parents already invited me" Xavier tells my parents and they nod.

"Ok... that's great tell them hi for us" My father says as Xavier was leaving.

"Now, Lilith why don't you say bye that was very rude" My mother says and I bang my head on the table 3 times, maybe her a concussion and forger all this.

"I'll see him later mother" I tell her looking up from the table.

"Darling calm down, Lilith why don't you show your siblings around-" before my father could finish I pare of lips kiss my cheek, Tulip and Theo stood behind me smiling.

"Hey Lily this must be your parents" Tulip says smiling my parents looking at me expecting me to introduce them.

"Mother, Father this are Theo and Tulip" I introduce Tulip smiling at them brightly.

"You should wear less makeup on your face" My mother tells Tulip.

"Mother!" I exclaim "fuck off, Tulip you look great" J tell kissing her cheek back. "Let's go Alex, Jamie" I tell them and they both stand up.

"Do not talk to your mother like that" Father says but I flip him off as we walk away.

This was going to be an interesting day...


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