06: Rowan

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When I woke up today I did not expect everyone to be speaking about my cousin but, this time it was about Rowan. Why in the fuck would Wednesday and Rowan be connected? So I did the rational thing and asked my dear friend Ajax, to tell me what was happening.

"You won't believe it, ok your cousin Wednesday says that Rowan was killed by a monster last night but, Rowan was seen this morning breathing happily" He says moving his hands around to explain "Even the police looked nothing was found"

"Weird she doesn't lie about stuff like that" I say confused "Specially about death she takes that very seriously" I continue looking down.

"Yeah umm, your family is weird, no offense" Ajax says looking at me weirdly.

"At-least I don't have snakes for hair" I say back coping his shocked face.

"Ok, wanna go there? At-least I don't hex people for not giving them a DOLLAR back" He exclaims. Pointing at me, I narrow my eyes at him.

"It was 10 dollars Ajax, and they were MY ten dollars" I exclaim pointing at him "And it was just blood Hex only your future family would suffer not you" I continue "and when you gave the money back, I took back the hex"

"You wanted your future nieces and nephews to SUFFER" He exclaims even louder "And I was considering making YOU the god-mother"

"HOW dare you I can still be the god-mother" I exclaim people were staring at us but right now I had other things I had to deal with. "You are going to regret this when I sink your boat"

"Do not sink my boat Lilith Salem Montgomery" He tells me standing up.

"Maybe I will, goodbye Ajax" I say leaving going to the lake, looking for Enid.

When I saw her she was bossing around everyone painting the boat, she looked really stressed.

"Hey wolfy, whats up with you?" I ask sitting down next to Yoko who was painting their canoe. I tuned them out until Wednesday came "Hey Nes can I stay at your dorm for a it I feel so lonely" I say pouting.

"Ok" Wednesday says like I was forcing her too. We went to ophelia hall she didn't talk only writing. I just played on Wednesday bed as she types on her typewriter she talked to herself to what seemed for ours what I failed to notice for almost 10 minutes was the bodiless hand.

"Wait, thing?" I say confused, the hand came over signing to me why he was here and what had happed "Happy to know you still have all your fingers" we talked for a little more until Wednesday looked at a paper I recognized, it was form the Nightshades.

"Where did you find that paper Nes?" I asked trying not to look confused.

"Rowan showed it to me I don't know where hr got it, do you?" She asks

"Sorry no its just a weird looking paper" I say I think, I sounded very convincing.


The next morning was just awful I don't know why I am so tired so right now I w<as about to fall asleep in history, thank god this is my last class for today. That was until the teacher decided to say that.

"Miss Montgomery, could you tell my when the Salem witch trials happened?" He asks glaring at me.

"Well I do my great, great, great, well you get the point escaped the trials and it was in February 1692 and May 1693" I say, very much about to fall asleep.

"Correct but make sure to pay more attention" He says dismissing all the class, when I saw I ran out of there I mean it.

"Ha did you see his face when you answered correctly" Tulip laughs.

"Yeah, yeah we have ballet now we have to go" I say dragging her away "Madame Camille is going to be mad if we are late. We go into the bathroom changing, both me and Tulip only do ballet cause our families force us too. We got all our makeup off and put our hair up in buns. When we enter the dance studio Madame Camille was waiting for us.

"Girls consider being on time next time" She says glaring at us. We were 2 minutes early nit late but ok.

"Sorry Madame" We both say nodding our heads down.

"Don't make it happen again" She say and we runt o our spots on the bar. Because we were "Late" we couldn't warm up. "ok we are doing arms today, first portion" she say and we do it "Second position" and we change to second position "High third, fourth and fifth" she say looking around making sure we do it correctly "keep going" after almost 5 minutes she lets us stop for a moment "Now with feet first position, second position, third position, fourth position and fifth position repeat"

She made us repeat for another 5 minutes "Now tendu, passé, parallel, releve and fondu" She says her Russian accent sticking out, god I hate ballet. "Ok repeat" we repeat for almost 5 minutes and I was about to faint cause I was so tired. "Now posses" When she said that we all straightened up even more. "Passé, suivi" when she said that she started shouting at may people that they were doing it wrong, it was really hard "Développé, relevé"

"Ok now on the floor lets practice the dance"


I was in my dorm for exhausted on my bed from ballet but then I remembered I have the history of plants so I got ready quickly running to class. When I got to class the class hadn't started yet, thank god I took my sit next to Bianca. Wednesday comes in looking for a sit.

"There's an open spot next to me" Xavier sighs attracting the attention of me and Bianca "If you can stand sitting that close to an elitist snob" I frown at that moment, he is not even close to a snob. Wednesday then sit next to him and I rub Bianca's back to make her feel better, he then uses his power to make his drawing of a spider.

"I doubt Wednesday is impressed by your trick, Mr, Thorpe" Ms. Thorn-hill says adjusting her glasses, I had never liked her she always gave me goose bumps.

"Admit it, you're a little impressed" Xavier says, Wednesday instead of talking squished the spider making it disappear into thin air in a cloud of smoke, Xavier disappointedly closed his squelch book.


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