17: Clean Up

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Right after that fiasco of the Rave'N I looked for Lilith so I went over to her dorm. I see the door is open and I hear crying fork the inside. I go inside and see her on the floor of her shower scrubbing away on her dress her mascara running down her face.

"Her are you ok?" I ask closing the bedroom door behind me.

"The paint won't come off"she cries scrubbing harder onto her dress. "Why won't it come off"

"Hey maybe you should dip it in water for a while" I say kneeling informó off her, she was wearing a oversized t-shirt and some really short shorts.

"I already tried, mom is going to kill me this dress is vintage and this is real fur" She says pouting to her white fur jacket that is in a bowl of water.

"Hey look at me Salem" I say grabbing her face with both my hands "breath I am sure your mom won't mind"

"She will and then I won't be able to leave the house for a month" she says trying not to cry anymore.

"Let's get you to bed huh you can sleep on it" I tell her and she nods getting off her knees walking over to her bed. As she sits down in her bed I sit in-front of her, she was really beautiful even when she cried.

"Stop looking at me like that" she said ins hushed voice.

"Like what?" I ask acting dumb smiling like an idiot.

"You know how" She says looking down.

"You know you shouldn't stress out like that" I tell her biengranada more serious.

"I know it's just a lot" she says and I unconsciously put my Han don her thigh.

"You should go back to your therapist" I tell her rubbing cricket son to her thigh.

"I don't like her and I don't need therapist this are normal emotions" She says playing with me hair I lay down in between her legs still doing circles onto her thigh.

"You should follow your own advice" I tell her and she rolls her eyes.

"Advice should only be taken by the people you tell it too" She says playing with my hair "I am sorry for scaring you the other night"

"You apologise a lot" I say laughing.

"I feel it a lot" She whispers and I turn around to look at her putting my hand on her face.

"You looked really good at the Rave'N" I tell her.

"You look like the guy from KFC" She says smiling at me.

"But I changed" I joke.

"I changed you" She says, I love her smile it lights up a room.

"Yeah you did, but you still looked good even when you had blood all over you" I tell her

"I know, I always look good" She jokes laughing lightly.

We both stared at each other leaning in and it happened we kissed. I have been waiting for this since I was 6 years old.


I know this was short but I wanted to add it in.

Boogie/ Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now