03: Fencing

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"Not fine. Completely not fine"



Today at FIRST hour we had fencing, I do not know who's idea it was to put tired teenagers to fight first thing in the morning. So now I am taking all my anger out on Enid, now that was until my dear cousin entered. God what is she going to do now.

"What is she going to do now?" I ask to no one in particular but I guess to Enid.

"Who knows she is totally random" Enid says looking confusedly at my cousin.

I roll my eyes, I don't know why I am so mad at its probably cause I am jealous. Her parents show their love towards her and she does not care while I would love my parents to just show their love towards me, she is good at everything while I have to tries my hardest, she does not care who anyone thinks and I have to try my hardest to not let anyone see I care.

"Coach, coach she tripped me" Rowan says making Bianca rolls her eyes.

"It was a clean strike, Rowan" Coach says.

"Maybe if you whined less and practiced more, you wouldn't suck" Bianca says, yeah she was a bit stuck up but she was a good friend. "Seriously, coach, when am I gonna get real competition?" Bianca asks coach. "Anyone else want to challenge me?"

"I do" Wednesday says flatly, of-course she does her dad taught her since she was like 7 while my dads bonding time was going to the supermarket with him.

"Oh, you must be the psychopath they let in" Bianca sats smiling sarcastically, I will admit that was kinda mean.

"And you must be the self-appointed Queen Bee" Thats dumb take a stingers of a bee and it dies "Interesting thing about bees" She pauses for dramatic effect "Pull out their stingers, they drop dead" Everyone looks confusedly at her and some popped saying ohh making Bianca look around angrily.

"Rowan doesn't need you to come to his defense" She says harshly "He is not helpless, he's lazy"

"Are we doing this or not?" Wednesday asks getting in stance making Bianca look at her daringly.

"En garde" Coach says some people stoping to see the commotion.

"Dude you cousin is really gothic" Ajax says behind me and I nod.

"I know Ajax I know" I say looking at them fence they were both good Bianca was defending more and Wednesday attacking more their footwork similar I look over and see Xavier looking at Wednesday of-course he would be looking at her smiling amused, I do not know why I feel jealous at that moment while I was in my thought Wednesday got the first point.

"Point to Wednesday" Coach ays looking at them and then they continued and then Bianca got another point "Pint to Bianca"

"That first point was clearly beginner's luck"Bianca says smiling sarcastically again "Let's finish this"

"For the final point, I would like to invoke challenge" Wednesday pauses for dramatics again "No masks, no tips" Some people started saying ohh "Winner draws first blood"

"Dude that weird" Ajax whispers to and and I smile.

"Yeah you get used to it after a while" I tell him.

"It's your decision, Bianca" Coach says very seriously.

"Let's see if you bleed in black and white" Bianca says dramatically trowing her mask and they start again Wednesday doing her weird almost dance moves, she even did a flip, went down to the floor and stuff. That was until Bianca slashed Wednesday forehead. I look over at Xavier and saw him look at them in disbelieve.

"Your face finally got that splash of color it so desperately needed" Bianca says chuckling.

"Come on Nes, I'll take you to the nurse" I say cutting the tension in the room walking over at Wednesday that was staring at her hand that had blood on it she did slap my hand away when I tried to lead her the door, when we where out the door I decided to talk "Don't fell bad about yourself ok everyone loses sometimes"

"Not me" She says looking down we both turned around when the water thing started to bubble weird. But we kept walking down the stairs and until we were outside she opened her umbrella letting me go under. I waited outside ophelia hall for her to change and then we went to the infirmary I tuned everything that was happening thinking about other things when she was done I followed her outside another water thingy bubbling as we left.

As we were walking outside we heard stone scraping it was a Gargoyle we both saw it tumbling out I don't know why she didn't move but I didn't cause its just death who cares easy peasy no pain. When I heard someone shout.

"Salem!" and then I was tackled to the floor and Wednesday was pushed I look up and see Xavier on top of "Are you ok?" But before I could answer everything went black.


I woke up in a forest I recognize it it was the one run through sometimes I look around and saw the blonde girl I see in my dreams. She was just standing there.

"What do you want?" I ask harshly trying my best not to show that am scared.

"You are the solution " She says but when she talks my ears hurt so I covered them "Listen to me"

"It hurts" I ay falling to the ground.

"Listen you are not trying" She screams "You are the other key!"

"What do you mean I am the other key?" I ask my head hurting so much.

"You shall save her" She says and I am even more confused.

"Who shall I save?"

"You shall save her your blood shall save her"

"What like a blood drive?" I ask confused me head feeling like they were hampering a nail into it.

"You shall save her and she shall save everyone" She says before disappearing.

"God, who the fuck are you first of all?" I ask screaming.


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