21: "Bonding time"

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I am in my dorm, yesterday was a disaster and I need to talk to Xavier about us. I just need to clear my head so I did the best thing I went to the shed but I noticed Wednesday entering, so I hid behind a wall listening in to whatever they were talking about.

The first part of their conversation did not matter to me but then I heard a sheet move or more like drop. Xavier clears his thought and I peaked my head through the window using an invisibility spell. But when my eyes landed on the black and white painting of Wednesday my heart broke, so he kissed me and then drew my cousin, cool...

"okay, listen... after the dance, I just wanted to forget about you, but I couldn't" He stopped and pointed at the painting "So I started painting and that's what came out" He reached his hand out and the painting came to life, I had this feeling in my stomach but I did not know what it was. "I can hear you up there playing, I can tell you get lost in the music, I fell like it's the only time I get to see the real you"

Wednesday just stared at the painting, what does he see in her do not get me wrong Wednesday is great and pretty girl but she does not show him any affection and he goes and follows her like a lost puppy. Wait, I am jealous, why am I jealous? We kissed once that is not a lot. Wednesday leaves quickly, Xavier sighing heavily, so I went into the shed undoing the spell. Xavier was shocked to see me and I smiled sweetly.

"Nice painting" I say looking at the painting of Wednesday ignoring all the drawings of a monster.

"How long have you been watching?" He asks and I scoff.

"Your are really into Formb's, I see why you like Wednesday she's pretty" I say looking at him a fake smile my face.

"Salem it is really nothing, I swear, I had just.." Xavier tries to explain trying over his words "Look.. we didn't start talking... till bit ago... and... Wednesday was there... and" He couldn't even explain himself, what did I expect of-course he could talk to other people we are just friends.

"Xavier don't worry you do not need to explain, we are just friends" I see the feeling in my stomach getting bigger.

"Salem-" Before he could finish I left to my dorm, I am too sleepy for this shit


It was the next day after what happened yesterday, I talked at tulip and Theo about it but they told me to hear Xavier out, but now it was too late it was night time but when I was about to fall asleep when someone knocked o my door, why is everyone always knocking on my door? I opened the door and saw Wednesday she was tapping her foot on the floor impatiently.

"Hello lily I would like to have some family bonding time with you lets go" She says already leaving. I was wearing some sweat pants and a band t-shirt so I had tot just put on socks and shoes to follow her, I followed her to a car and got into the back sit and then Enid get in.

"Is this our uber?" Enid asks and I look over and see Taylor.

"I thought this was date" Taylor says.

"Nu-hu i am not staying in a car when he is driving" I say trying to get out the car but Taylor locked it "I will hex you Galpin" I threat but the just ignore continuing their conversation.

this was not going to be a fun ride.



I was in Salem's balcony knocking on the window like I used to, I needed to talk to her about us I did not want ruin our friendship.

"Salem can we talk about the painting, I do have feelings for you I was just confused" I say knocking on the window, I opened it because she was not answering when I opened it there was none in her room, I had just confused my feelings to absolutely no-one. I really did like her but how do I tell her now. So now I am going Wednesday's



When we got to our destination it was the house I run past some times. Also it was not a fun ride as I expected. I just wanted to stay in my room. I did not want to be here, we walked to the spooky gates, I already had goose bumps.

"Seriously, you wanna go in there?" Enid asks scared, I grabbed her hand to make her feel better, I am steeling Ajax and Wednesday woman. Haha, he is going to be so jealous when I tell him. "This place is creepy AF"

"I know" Wednesday simply says.

"This was supposed to be family bonding time, I just wanted to stay in my room, but NO you took my out HERE for bonding time!" I exclaim dramatically. Wednesday just rolled her eyes. Taylor and Enid started talking I ignored them glaring at Wednesday, I am going to have therapy for trust issues after this.

"I didn't want to celebrate my birthday by going to dinner or a surprise party" Wednesday says laying with the lock of the gate "I want to do this" She says standing up opening the gate doors.

"Then you should have just said so, you didn't have to trick us" Taylor says and I roll my eyes.

"I would have not came here if I knew this wasn't bonding time" I tell him, why do I have to get into this trouble.

"If you wanna to go, you can" Wednesday says and I my glare becomes harsher.

"With what car? cause this bitch is going to follow you like a lost puppy" I say pointing at Taylor. "Fine I'll go" I say after I get a glare from everyone.



I hope you have happy holidays

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